Back to list M25 junction 10/A3 Wisley interchange improvement

Representation by Mrs Amy Barklam

Date submitted
5 September 2019
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I write to make a representation in respect of Highway England’s application for a Development Consent Order in respect of improvements to the M25 Junction 10/A3 Wisley Interchange (‘the Order’). I write in the capacity of being the freehold owner and occupier of [Redacted] (‘the Property’), which will be affected by the proposed works. If consented, the proposed works will provide for changes in the access arrangements to the Property. At present, the property is accessed via Elm Lane, an adopted public highway which is accessed via a junction with the A3 (Eastbound carriageway). The proposed works will provide for the eastern section of Elm Lane to be ‘stopped up’, resulting in access to the Property from the A3 not being possible. An alternative access is proposed by Highways England through the construction of a new road to replace the existing section of track (not navigable by most vehicles) which connects Elm Lane and Old Lane to the west. These works will necessitate the widening of the existing road and track, the creation of turning heads and the realignment of existing private access off Elm Lane, all of which requires the acquisition of land. Part of the Property is proposed to be acquired to facilitate these works. Whilst there has been some engagement with Highways England as to the nature of the works, these discussions have not provided the necessary level of assurance that the works will be undertaken in a fashion that: (i) maintains vehicular access to the Property at all times and minimises disruption (including noise and light pollution) to residents; (ii) minimises the amount of land to be acquired; (iii) ensures that the works required to the private accesses of properties is properly managed, with the owner having the requisite level of input and control over building materials, timing of works, revised boundary treatments/features, etc.; (iv) addresses the reinstatement of boundary features following the acquisition of land; and (v) addresses concerns of antisocial behaviour that could arise at the turning head/new end of the road. Highways England should work with property owners and residents to ensure that the necessary commitments are entered into in advance of the appointment of contractors and commencement of the works. I also hold concerns that the proposed works to create a new elevated section of road over the A3 is not the most appropriate design solution due to the increased impacts on nearby residents from noise pollution. Alternative design solutions are available which will reduce the impact on the Property and other residents at Elm Corner and these should be explored further. If this design is to be progressed, Highways England need to detail how the impacts of noise and other negative impacts such as air and light pollution on Elm Corner properties will be mitigated. I hereby request that I am registered as an Interested Party so that I can contribute in the examination process regarding the Order. The above summarises my concerns in respect of Highways England’s proposals and I reserve the right to add to these representations through formal written representations or attendance at the hearing and the presentation of oral evidence. Yours sincerely, Amy Barklam