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Advice to Sefton Parish Council

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Sefton Parish Council
Date advice given
25 July 2018
Enquiry type

The enquirer asked how he could provide comments to the Planning Inspectorate on recent press articles relating to compulsory acquisition which reported information that conflicted with the Applicant’s assurances to Sefton Parish Council to date.

Advice given

I understand that you have read recent press reports that have presented conflicting information to that which Sefton Parish Council had been given by the Applicant, and have discussed the matter with our case team.

At this stage any such comments or queries on the proposed application should be made directly to Applicant. I also note from the Applicant’s website, accessed via the below link, that further public consultation is due to take place in summer/autumn of this year:


Any comments that you may have on the consultation undertaken by the Applicant should also be relayed to your Local Planning Authority so that they can be incorporated in the Adequacy of Consultation Response that the LPA will prepare and provide to the Planning Inspectorate once the application has been submitted.