
A57 Link Roads (previously known as Trans Pennine Upgrade Programme)

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  • Justin Beevor

    The new link road will provide a massive improvement to the quality of life for those living and travelling along the A57 through Mottram and Hollingworth. It would make it significantly easier and... Read more

  • Karen Rigg

    The new bypass and spur are essential for the ongoing sustainability of the towns of Glossop and Hadfield. Both places are growing with extensive house building taking place and people need to be able... Read more

  • Kathleen Waterhouse

    The plan for the Mottram bypass has been needed for many years. There is very heavy traffic on this road every day and very many heavy goods vehicles use this road. It must be a nightmare for the... Read more

  • Kay Worthington

    The amount of heavy traffic is horrendous plus the fumes which must affect the people living so close to the road.

  • Kevin Jackson

    Please just get it started to stop the ongoing misery for 1000's of commuters evry working day. Kind regards Kevin

  • Lee Guard

    The traffic levels around Mottram seem to get worse year on year. The bypass is long overdue. It would help companies fulfill their deliveries quicker and make the roads safer for the people who live... Read more

  • Lesley Perry

    This is one of the most important road improvements to help congestion in the Area that connects the High Peak to the Stockport & Manchester areas where most of the people from the Glossop over to... Read more

  • Leslie Culshaw

    Waited too long for this and Brookfield spur fed up as are most people of excuses from people out side of our area and to find labour mps and professional protestors makes me sick to the stomach to... Read more

  • Linda Parker

    I can't believe that the proposed bypass is in jeopardy again. Traffic problems in this area are getting worse. More houses being worse. Local transport systems are inadequate, therefore cars are... Read more

  • Lindsay Gilbert

    This bypass is desperately needed. Houses are gong up at speed in the area, however the roads cannot cope with current traffic levels. Queues, not just at rush hours often form right through Glossop... Read more

  • Lorraine Parnell

    I as a resident in Hadfield, that travels out of the area for work & pleasure. Finds it frustrating that no matter what time of the day it is, still stuck in traffic on a regular basis. Mottram moor... Read more

  • Lorraine Stellings

    The traffic congestion through Glossop mottram and surrounding areas is ridiculous. Waiting/travelling times getting worse to access the motorway m67. We’ve been promised the relief road for as long... Read more

  • Louise Keogh

    -noisy traffic with lorries shaking the house as they pass. -traffic sitting in a queue giving off fumes which are no good for people's health. Some days it hangs in the air and is awful. - queuing to... Read more

  • Lynn Barber

    I wish to register my support for the A57 link roads scheme

  • Lynn Cawley

    I live [redacted] in Mottram since 1982 and the traffic now to what it was then even though back then was horrendous is beyond that way beyond i can count 30 plus lorries in the traffic most days,... Read more

  • Lynn Scarry

    I am a hadfield resident and travel through mottram everyday,via the bottleneck at woollybridge which is conjested with lorries which take up the whole bridge,the spur would remove traffic into and... Read more

  • Maggie Fennell

    I have lived in Glossop all my life (70 yrs) and from being a small town with 17,000 folks it is now bursting at the seams.....the roads leading into and out of the town are gridlocked from 05.45 to... Read more

  • Malcolm Hodkinson

    This route has been heavily used for at least 50 years above its original carrying capacity.It has places where the unwary have come to grief. It is the first alternative for many vehicles including... Read more

  • Mandy Bailey

    We desperately need this bypass to make it safer for all who live in this area. We need to reduce significantly the amount of traffic, travel time & pollution. The traffic can add an hour each way for... Read more

  • Mark Baron

    Having lived in Mottram for 23yrs, I cant understand why the bypass has not been built 20yrs ago. I cant get out of my estate because of traffic and feel we are held to ransom because of the traffic.... Read more

  • Mark Roy Priestley

    I want the bypass to be built, however I only consider this part to be Part 1, as the bypass needs to then be built for around Hollingworth and Tintwistle.

  • Marnie Richardson

    Living in the village of Mottram for 27 years I have seen the traffic increase so much. This causes very poor air pollution, traffic is daily queuing right outside my home. It’s not pleasant to sit in... Read more

  • Mary Rhodes

    I fully support the Mottram by pass and Glossop spur road as it will reduce the amount of traffic through Hadfield and Glossop on roads that were built for horse and carts not the heavy traffic it has... Read more

  • Matthew Laxton

    I live in Glossop and every journey towards Manchester has the potential to be at least half an hour longer than it needs to be, just to allow time for getting out of Glossop to the west. The bypass... Read more

  • Michael Hopkinson

    I fully support the Mottramf bypass project. The A57 and Woodhead pass serve as vital cross Pennine links and it is quite incredible that road communication between two major cities,namely Sheffield... Read more