
A57 Link Roads (previously known as Trans Pennine Upgrade Programme)

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  • J H Harrison

    This will help to minimise the gridlocks which occur in and around the area

  • Jackie Kilkenny

    I support the building of this road scheme.

  • James Constantine

    I do not want this bypass because - woodhead will have an increase in traffic - it does nothing for tintwistle - wildlife and countryside is being taken away - the road is pointless just being moved... Read more

  • James Drakeford

    I believe that this programme would be beneficial for the area - as long as phase 2 around Hollingworth and Tintwhistle is also completed. This will allow traffic to travel between Manchester and... Read more

  • James Heatlie

    This bypass for this very busy stretch of road bordered for much of it's length by houses and shops is long overdue. It will alleviate noise pollution, travel times and congestion for the local... Read more

  • James Stead

    I am a Hadfield resident working from Manchester with significant work-related travel meaning I regularly have to drive the car for work duties. We have battled for the Mottram bypass for 50+ years... Read more

  • Jane Waterhouse

    I support the by-pass. I live in a house which sits directly on the A57 and we are badly affected by the damage to the air quality caused by slow moving traffic, particularly heavy large engined... Read more

  • Janet Hargreaves

    It will dramatically improve what has been a very serious 60 year traffic jam . Such an improvement is bound to result in reduced pollution in the area. Such an improved traffic scheme will not only... Read more

  • Janet Lockett

    Mottram has needed a bypass for many many years and they have been promised one several times with no result. The problem is continuing to worsen.

  • Janice Wilson

    We moved to[redacted] Glossop in 1967 with our two young children.At the time of purchasing our newly built property and one of its selling points was that a bye pass was to be built to enable people... Read more

  • Jay Richards

    I am 100% in agreement with plans for bypass. This town cannot continue any longer with this poor access.

  • Jean Astill

    The area is desperate for the Mottram Bypass & Glossop Spur Road being built.

  • Jenni Carruthers

    I support the Mottram bypass. I regularly drive that route and I regularly get stuck in traffic taibacks that can take me anything up to 2 hours stuck on the motorway just waiting to get to Mottram... Read more

  • Jennifer Brook

    Over the 20+ years I have lived here the traffic has increased.During peak periods the village iis used as a”rat run” mainly towards the M67 motorway and particularly busy to cross the traffic lights... Read more

  • Jennifer Horrocks

    We have waited over 50 years for a bypass. it takes so long to get in and out of Glossop. You have to time your journeys in order to keep travelling times down. Queing traffic causes polution.

  • Jennifer Richards

    Think bypass is absolutely essential and needs to be built without delay

  • Jeremy Fewster

    As a resident of Glossop [redacted], so regularly uses the a57 as a route to and from work, I see the bypass as an essential piece of infrastructure for the area. Both from an environmental and a... Read more

  • Joan Newton

    Having spent many hours in traffic queues, waiting at It he Mottram round about to continue my journey towafds Glossop , I am convinced that this bipass road is long overdue.

  • Joanne Zabel

    Heavy traffic on Mottram Moor making it an arduous journey at least. Danger to human life from constant HGV's and similar.

  • Johm Morgan

    Having had my journey times blighted,[redacted] and excess noise and pollution levels I strongly support the bypass scheme. To have this economic and social throttling continue is not justifiable and... Read more

  • John Brennand

    Been waiting for this road for 50 years. Should be taken right over to Yorkshire border. was once called by Road Haulage Ass as woodhead goat track to Sheffield. Get it built.

  • John Devlin

    This bypass is needed as traffic is horrendous in Glossop! It affects journey times, air quality and congestion. The bypass is long overdue!

  • John Gilman

    I wish to support the A57 Link Roads project so that it will reduce dis-amenity for local residents, improve East-West (trans pennine) transport links, reduce congestion, air pollution and improve the... Read more

  • John Haigh

    The A57 Link Road Upgrade is a much needed addition to the transport network and to free the restraints and delays encounter when leaving Glossop and indeed when traveling around Glossop. The HGV's... Read more

  • Jean Kitching on behalf of John Kitching (John Kitching )

    The amount of new housing being built at the moment is far to many for our roads to cope with.