
A57 Link Roads (previously known as Trans Pennine Upgrade Programme)

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  • Leonard Watson

    Totally unacceptable amount traffic using Broadbottom as a rare run.

  • Lesley Ward

    I am concerned that this bypass will increase traffic in Glossop and Tintwhistle. I am also very concerned about the negative effects it will have on the environment. Why haven’t considerations been... Read more

  • Linda Timperley

    We cannot get to our homes due to constant standing traffic , or open our windows due to exhaust fumes. We have waited over 30 years for this bypass and been promised it the only people who object... Read more

  • Linda Wood

    I have lived in Glossop all my life (71 years) and in that time the journey times to other Towns in the area - Hyde, Ashton etc have doubled in the time it takes to get to them Traffic when I worked... Read more

  • Lindsay Allott

    This plan only moves congestion towards Already gridlocked towns (eg Glossop). It is too expensive. It will lead to higher pollution levels for local people. It will increase rather than decrease... Read more

  • Lynne Taylor

    1 Mottram village is polluted and regularly grid locked 2 Traffic is often queued down the end of the M67, causing tailbacks on other roads including through Hattersley housing estate, affecting the... Read more

  • Margaret Clare

    Traffic through Glossop over the Pennine routes is getting worse by the day and apart from continual frustration with local traffic, the detriment to the roads is ridiculous. The bypass is desperately... Read more

  • Margaret Nield

    I am so very tired of trying to cross Manchester Road, Tintwistle. It is getting more dangerous by the minute we desperately need a by pass as soon as possible we have been waiting for so many years... Read more

  • Marianne Stevenson

    I support the building of the Mottram/Glossop Bypass as the only viable initial solution to the huge traffic problems we have in this area. I expect the construction to provide the least destruction... Read more

  • Marj Hayes

    The current road infrastructure in Glossop and surrounding areas cannot cope with the volume of traffic which has increased to unacceptable levels over the past 50 years given the current... Read more

  • Mark

    This current plan will do nothing to relieve the current traffic situation if anything it will only make things worse it will be a waste of money and by the time it is completed it will have no... Read more

  • Mark Claydon

    I support the A57 Link Roads (previously known as Trans Pennine Upgrade Programme) Planning Inspectorate Reference: TR010034

  • Mark Longden

    It is my opinion that the bypass is absolutely needed, the back up of traffic heading for the motorway is ridiculous ! Let’s have some common sense !

  • Martin Hill

    It is vital that this road goes ahead, for the people of Glossop and Hollingworth, who spend a large part of their lives stuck in traffic, we can't keep building houses without the inferstucture being... Read more

  • Martin Jolly

    I have read the proposals in detail. Although I do not believe that they will lead to a reduction in the traffic using our local roads, I do believe that they will create fewer constrictions... Read more

  • Martyn Lloyd

    Glossop which still has a growing number of cars needs help to ease congestion This spur will do that We also badly need the rest of the by pass It is incredible that two major cities like Manchester... Read more

  • Mary Fitton

    I believe that the proposed A57 link road will only reduce traffic on mottram moor. There will be no relief of traffic/air pollution through the villages of crowden, tintwistle and hollingworth on the... Read more

  • May Powell

    Bypass MUST go ahead

  • Michael Dennett

    I support the Mottram bypass and Glossop spur road planning application, because for far too long the area has been choked by traffic nearly all day long every day. The current road network into... Read more

  • Michael Millward

    I am in total support for A57 link roads, as a life long resident of the High Peak (64 years)we have been waiting and campaigning for this bypass for as long as I can remember. Please do not allow... Read more

  • Mike Hunter

    I’m support of this development and application

  • Mike Madner

    For many years l have used the A57 through Glossop and Mottram to access the western motorway network. At any time of the day there is congestion starting at Woolley Bridge extending up Woolley Lane,... Read more

  • Mr Lloyd

    It is undeniably essential that the infrastructure of this country and in particular the North West,is improved in order to reduce congestion, thus improving air quality. The Mottram and Tintwistle... Read more

  • Mrs Varnouse

    Mottram and Glossop Spur by pass as well as the Hollingworth and Tintwhistle section should go ahead to reduce congestion, reduce pollution from waiting and stationary traffic in hol ups and to... Read more

  • Natasha Manson

    I travel a lot with work and have to use this road. It’s the worst road in Derbyshire by far, you sit in traffic her 90% of the time. It can be that bad it’s backed up past glossop caravans, on... Read more