
A57 Link Roads (previously known as Trans Pennine Upgrade Programme)

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Showing 701 to 725 of 909 representations, newest first.

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  • Neil Wildey

    The economic, social and environment benefits from reduced traffic congestion, to not only residents of Glossop but those of the High Peak area as a whole, of the planned A57 Link Road should easily... Read more

  • Nicola Kassar

    I strongly support the Mottram Bypass & Glossop Spur Road being built, the area is in dire need of this.

  • Oliver Wilson

    As a Glossop local, it goes without saying that the planned bypass will be a great help in daily life for myself as well as many others , in the ease of car traffic that it will bring about. I deemed... Read more

  • Patricia Milner

    I agree on the glossop bypass

  • Paul Child

    Provision of this road scheme will relieve traffic congestion in the Mottram and Hollingworth villages and reduce the environmental impact that is suffered by their residents.

  • Paul Coverley

    The bypass would allow my business in the High Peak to operate much more efficiently and increase the chances of it remaining as a significant employer in the area ( Hayfield/New Mills)

  • Paul Parkins

    Again the bypass is trying to be prevented with no reasonable excuse. The local council is allowing 100s of new houses to be built in Glossop Hadfield and surrounding areas yet not allowing of any... Read more

  • Paul Scullion

    This is an essential improvement in the Gloosopdale road system which will reduc3 travelling times, increase mpg and decrease pollution.

  • Paul Spooner

    I support the building of the new bypass and it is unbelievable that any councillors worth the name are trying to block this.

  • Paul Tighe

    This bypass will considerably ease the traffic flow in many ways. It will stop stop unnecessary journeys to avoid the traffic congestion as it is now. It will allow allow through traffic not to occupy... Read more

  • Paul Wild

    I have been commuting up and down Mottram Moor for 60years and seen the traffic congestion go from bad to worse and worse to horrendous .The promise of a by pass all those years ago gave us all some... Read more

  • Pete Dawson

    I oppose the proposed scheme on the basis it will bring more traffic into Glossop on th A57. It is not a viable relief road.

  • Peter Collard

    I have lived in Glossop for 40 years and, particularly in the last 5 have noticed a large building program of housing that has not been reflected in improving the roads infrastructure. As a result the... Read more

  • Peter Creighton

    The current infrastructure cannot cope with the sheer volume of traffic and urgently requires this bypass to help the unbelievable congestion that we have to fight through on a daily basis.

  • Peter Robinson

    I object to the scheme. I am astounded that Highways England can bring forward a scheme that impacts so adversely on local roads in the Hope Valley. I am particularly concerned about the 38% increased... Read more

  • Peter Simon

    I oppose the DCO Application for reasons given here in summary . 1. On balance the scheme fails to establish a benefit that outweighs the considerable adverse impacts. In particular the scheme is... Read more

  • Phil Duckworth

    This road needs building to stop congestion in Glossop so listen to the voter and do this for the people.

  • Phil Hesketh

    I support the bypass. Having lived with the traffic for 29 years myself, and some of my neighbours for many more, it is time to stop all of the political bickering and get it done. We live in a daily... Read more

  • Phil Ransom

    I support the bypass

  • Philip Norman Barton

    I regularly drive from Buxton via the M62 to Leeds/Bradford. The obvious quickest satnav route is via the A57, through Mottram to the M67. However, because of delays between Glossop and Mottram, I... Read more

  • Raymond Barker

    This bypass has been needed for decades. To block it now would be a travesty. Travelling around the country, there are very few roads as bad as the A57/A628 around the Mottram/ Tintwistle/Glossop area... Read more

  • Rebecca Orchard

    I support this bypass

  • Lesley Hoban on behalf of Rebecca Perry (Rebecca Perry)

    Rebecca works in Manchester and has this congestion every working day

  • Richard D Wilson

    We need this bypass it is essential for our mental health and well being and for the environment. We should have had this 25 years ago please ensure this is done as soon as pssible.

  • Richard Wood

    With the volume of traffic currently trying to access the M67 from A57 Glossop, Tintwistle, Hadfield & Padfield etc. the backlog of queuing traffic which is not only at rush hour times is usually back... Read more