
A57 Link Roads (previously known as Trans Pennine Upgrade Programme)

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  • Robert Kenworthy

    The Pennines need a second Motorway crossing especially in the winter. The M62 is not sufficient for serving England nowadays as a main link across the country. The M67 was always intended to be... Read more

  • Robert Naylor

    I strongly support this programme, TR010034, a57 Link Roads. As a new resident of Glossop who travels frequently on the M6/M5 for business, I have been dismayed at the almost constant traffic backlog... Read more

  • Robert Quarmby

    Necessary to reduce the continuous traffic congestion and subsequent environmental pollution in the area.

  • Roger Womack

    For too long the residents of Mottram, Hadfield, Glossop, Charles worth and Broasbottom have suffered from the enormous amount of through traffic from Manchester to Sheffield, either directly or as a... Read more

  • Rosalind Hardy

    I feel that the pollution caused by the slow moving and often stationary traffic is a major factor especially given the current global crisis. Also it can be quite dangerous as frustrated motorists... Read more

  • Roy Calder

    Having been a resident of GLOSSOP for almost twenty years I have been disappointed in the time it has taken to deliver the initial stage of this project. while it will not address all the issues we... Read more

  • Russell Baker

    As someone who worked in Glossop I confirm the importance of this relief road. it will greatly improve the quality of life for local residents who are currently faced with effectively being locked in.... Read more

  • Russell Gard

    I fully support the new link road as above but would prefer roundabouts rather that light controlled junction as originally suggested. As a regular use of Brookfield amd Mottram Moor by car and... Read more

  • S J Hunter

    It is in the best interests of the local people for the bypass to proceed. It can take over an hour from queueing at the end of the motorway to reaching Glossop town centre during rush hours, this is... Read more

  • Sam Hardy

    The need for the scheme: The link road separates the A57 traffic from the A628 traffic. This will enable the slow queue to be eliminated on Mottram Moor, and reduce the long tailbacks on the A628 and... Read more

  • Sandra Weedon

    Ease of access to M67 Quality of life for the local residents Improved air quality for area.

  • Sarah Broadbent

    A agree with this submission.

  • Sharon Jones

    I am against the road for the following reasons, encouraging more people to come through the area, thus causing more pollution we have enough now. Hollingworth school is on the main road which is in... Read more

  • Sheila Bailey

    We have waited a very long time for this by pass. Now everything is put in place it appears as though some people are trying to stop it. The bypass is needed because of the number of cars which now... Read more

  • Simon Hollinghurst

    Hurry up and get it done , other towns and areas are leap years ahead of us - its a National disgrace that is always in the news about traffic jams

  • Simon Hurrell

    I strongly support this important investment in local infrrastructure

  • Stephanie Haley

    This area is blighted by transpennine traffic -particularly trucks. It is much worse than when a bypass was first promised many years ago. The hills in this area make polution from reving vehicles... Read more

  • Stephen Christie

    There are more houses being built in this area every day and the infrastructure can not cope We need the bypass now

  • Stephen Ellingham

    I have lived in Hope Valley for over 35 years and have had to make many journeys through Glossop and onto the M67. Through this, I am aware of the usual gridlock between Glossop and M67 and think that... Read more

  • Stephen Hague

    As a native of Glossop who has always resided here, I have first hand knowledge of the massive increase in the congestion caused by the bottleneck at Mottram. The sheer waste of fuel, time and... Read more

  • Stephen Mason

    I have used the roads mentioned and every time the congestion and delays have been horrendous and a nightmare to people who live in the area. The bypass is essential to relieve congestion and improve... Read more

  • Stephen Oswald

    This Bypass is essential and years overdue [redacted] in Tameside and a resident of Glossop I know first hand what a huge difference this will make. I am shocked but not surprised that the local... Read more

  • Stephen Yorke

    I oppose the Planning application for the following reasons: 1 While the current traffic problems at Mottram will be eased there will be a significant increase in traffic in Glossopdale, Woodhead Road... Read more

  • Steve Lomas

    For the bypass

  • Steven Ellis

    We have lived in the area for years and the end of the M67 is a discussing mess it’s always got held up traffic and makes any journey unpleasant and means that extra fumes are put into the... Read more