
A57 Link Roads (previously known as Trans Pennine Upgrade Programme)

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  • Ian Beckett

    This scheme will not decrease the overall traffic reduction through Mottram, Hollingworth and Tintwistle. This scheme only addresses Mottram and Mottram Moor road. Moving the bottle-neck from the end... Read more

  • Jacqueline Corrigan

    Also, we need a Buxton bypass as well.

  • Jacquie Grace

    I do not believe that this link road will provide any immediate or long term benefit to either the road users or the residents of Mottram as it will not reduce the volume of traffic that use the A628... Read more

  • James Michael Ward

    I visit the area at least once a month and enjoy using footpaths in the area to both get to where I need to and enjoy the surrounding countryside. Building this road will reduce the amount of... Read more

  • Jason Farrow

    1 - the proposed road will not relieve mottram Hollingworth and tintwistle from traffic congestion, who and why are you proposing a road that goes in the wrong direction and will increase traffic... Read more

  • Jeannette Thompson

    I travel regularly thro Mottram on my way to work in Mossley ...I have done this journey for over 40 odd years and the traffic, congestion /crawling traffic and consequent added pollution has been... Read more

  • Jennifer Powell

    I am not convinced that the outlined proposal will satisfy many of the criteria for improvement in the following areas. 1. Certainly for the foreseeable future traffic appears likely to increase in... Read more

  • Jeroen Peters

    Having taken account of all the data models and traffic predictions, I do not believe that it is justified to spending the proposed budget. The benefits are just too small what, in effects is only to... Read more

  • John Scarry

    I fully support the proposed Glossop spur road and bypass. The through HGV traffic in the the area and the other vehicles is killing the area especially Hadfield,Tintwhistle, Hollingworth and Mottram... Read more

  • John Stubbs

    I oppose the construction of the A57 Link Roads on the following grounds: 1 increased traffic generated by the construction of these roads, is likely to adversely affect Bamford through increased... Read more

  • Jon Whitley

    1. The National Park area already suffers from excessive traffic. It would be hard to argue that the A57 links will not add to this problem. 2. It’s widely acknowledged that adding to a road network... Read more

  • Karl Wheeler

    This must be done to ease congestion caused by the number of houses built in the area

  • Katie Fielding

    As a Glossop resident, I think that the proposed A57 Link Roads scheme should not go ahead. The resins for this are, in summary: 1) it will lead to more traffic in the area overall; 2) it will lead to... Read more

  • Kenneth Hardman

    Travel by road from Glossop westwards via the A57 to and from the M67 is typified by long queues of vehicles throughout the day, which causes high levels of pollution, and lengthy time delays in... Read more

  • Leona Cassell

    There will be no relief for Tintwistle as the proposed road doesn't bypass the village, I believe the traffic will increase which will mean more carbon emissions at a time when everyone recognises... Read more

  • Lisa Stansfield

    This bypass should go ahead to cut down on traffic jams and air pollution.

  • M Ashley

    I lived in Hollingworth 40 years ago and traffic was very heavy then. Now it is much worse with queuing heavy goods vehicles, buses and cars belching fumes. The air quality and constant noise suffered... Read more

  • Maggie Deakin

    I have lived in this village since 1985, with a short break between 1988-1992. Thirty two years in total, after removing the 4 year break. I have the traffic increase over these years. It used to be... Read more

  • Malcolm Taylor

    I have lived in Hadfield since 1994 and have seen he growth of traffic through both Personal use and HGV's through the villages of Hadfield, Tintswistle and Hollingworth over the years. The growth of... Read more

  • Margaret Hopkinson

    I fully support this project however I do think if it by passes Tintwistle and Hollingworth, then it would provide a better solution to all the extra traffic which has increased over the years.

  • Marjorie Saggerson

    The residents of Glossop have been waiting years for a by-pass which is long overdue. Instead more and more houses are being built without any thought of ways of getting out which has caused long... Read more

  • Mel Hammond

    Glossop needs the bypass due to the extensive new housing developments being built and the associated congestion it brings. This congestion in its depth and complexity has grown over the 50 yrs the... Read more

  • Meriel Lindsay Boyd

    The proposed A57 link road will only divert the heavy traffic from Mottram Moor. It will have no effect on the heavy traffic and air pollution on the A628 Woodhead Pass through the villages of... Read more

  • Michael Jones

    On this occassion, I believe that the new road will be good for the environment, preventing the ever present congestion and resultant pollution. We will soon all be driving electric cars and the... Read more

  • Moemen Metwally

    As a resident of Glossop a bypass is needed to permit traffic between South Yorkshire and the North West (not just Sheffield and Manchester) to travel safely without navigating narrow streets and... Read more

  • Savills (UK) Ltd (Savills (UK) Ltd) on behalf of Mr D Radford (Mr D Radford)

    Dear Sir/ Madam, I write on behalf of Mr. D Radford the freehold owners of part of the land affected by the A57 upgrade – land registry reference GM306567. The site comprises part of the central area... Read more

  • National Trust (National Trust)

    Introduction National Trust is a conservation charity with a membership of more than 5 million people. We are legally responsible for the protection of some of the most beautiful and environmentally... Read more

  • Neil Best

    1. This does not resolve the issue of traffic flowing across between Manchester and Sheffield. It simply redistributes part of it through small village communities that will suffer as a result. I live... Read more

  • Nicholas jenkinson

    Due to me working in Manchester I regularly travel up & down Mottram Moor & the M67. I have too time my journeys too work too avoid the rush hour traffic. This can add 30-60 minutes to my working day.... Read more

  • Noelle Arnfield

    I object to the proposed development of the A57 link as the proposed plan will increase the flow of traffic through Glossop thus impacting further on the level of air pollution in the valley.... Read more

  • Udo Pope on behalf of Peak and Northern Footpaths Society (Peak and Northern Footpaths Society)

    PNFS objects to the A57 Link Roads Scheme for the following reasons: 1. The adverse effect that the Scheme would have on users of the six footpaths that would be partially stopped up and diverted by... Read more

  • Peter Beard

    I am strongly in favour of the A 57 Link roads project. We need a bypass because of pollution from dense standing or slow moving traffic. Some days the queue takes 30 minutes to pass through Motram... Read more

  • Peter Knowles

    The bypass has been needed for years. The road queues in the surrounding area are time-wasting and frustrating for all motorists and also, as we are realising, bad for air quality. Must go ahead now... Read more

  • Peter Lea

    Bypass well and truly well overdue. No more delays please

  • Philip Bennett

    I lived in Hadfield for eleven years comuting between home Stockport, Ashton and Manchester daily finding the volume of trafic and the problems they caused intolerable not only to regular users on... Read more

  • Philip Hinchliff

    If this helps just 1% then at least its doing something because the roads around the area are shocking obviously they all need to lead up to building the bypass and linking up with it .also having a... Read more

  • R Blair

    Having lived in the area for 30+ years I have experienced an increase in volume of traffic. This leads to extended periods of time where traffic is at a standstill or extremely slow moving. The... Read more

  • Raimond Burgess

    This section of highway is traffic congested most times of the day for the sake of the residents and the environmental waste of fuel something should be done.

  • Richard Gibson

    I think the link road is a good idea and is long overdue . Anything to help the current terrible traffic situation is a must

  • Robert Faulkner

    Far from easing the load, the scheme would increase traffic, especially to Glossop. At a time when we are trying to cut emissions, the extra traffic would increase them. This would adversely affect... Read more

  • Ruth Pothecary

    I object to these By Pass for numerous reasons some of which are below: 1) The consultation appears incomplete and seriously flawed and was certainly not addressed to a sufficiently large enough area... Read more

  • Ruth Terry

    I think the proposed plans will not significantly change the traffic problem we have on glossop. With the increase of houses being built there will be a larger population trying to move around which... Read more

  • Sarah Beard

    I support the building of the Mottram Bypass and Glossop Spur road. I believe that the Glossop Spur will help to reduce congestion especially at Woolley Bridge and Mottram. It will also reduce the... Read more

  • Karen Burgess (Karen Burgess) on behalf of Skin Solutions Clinic (Skin Solutions Clinic)

    This section of highway is traffic congested most times of the day for the sake of the residents and the environmental waste of fuel something should be done. Hours of extra journey time for locals... Read more

  • Stephen Bagshaw

    1. Adverse landscape and visual impacts. 2. Loss of Open Access Land. 3. Threat to PDNP. A Trojan Horse for a Motorway by stealth 4. Threat to wildlife, conservation and the natural environment. 5.... Read more

  • Sue Moyes

    The spur road will make no difference, the congestion will just be moved somewhere else. All heavy transport should be banded from taking the short cut rough Hollingsworth and Tintwistle to get to the... Read more

  • Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council (Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council )

    Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council wishes to register to participate in the examination regarding the application by Highways England for an Order Granting Development Consent for the A57 Link... Read more

  • Thomas Hopkins

    The mottram bypass is long overdue and very much needed. It had been proven that it will reduce congestion through Glossop and must go ahead. Please proceed with my permission. Also, please ignore the... Read more

  • Thomas Wheeler

    There is a clear conflict between the Government’s policies on transport and climate change. On transport, they are promoting schemes such as this one which would encourage the use of private cars by... Read more

  • Tim Ibbotson

    I think the bypass should go ahead. It is vital to the local community