
A57 Link Roads (previously known as Trans Pennine Upgrade Programme)

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  • Margaret Barton

    Traffic getting into and out of Glossop is getting worse. Hours of peoples time is spent in long queues. This causes traffic fumes which are bad for our health and the environment. Meanwhile more... Read more

  • Margaret Overson

    i am writing because of information received that there are doubts that the long awaited Mottram bypass and Glossop spur road may not go ahead despite promises that plans are in place for this to go... Read more

  • Margaret Spaven

    I live in Had field it is ridiculous the amount of heavy traffic on this residential road There are primary schools at the top and bottom of the road how a child has not been killed is a miracle .When... Read more

  • Mark McDonough

    I moved to Glossop in 2001, people warned me of the traffic problem (mottram moor). Having witnessed the friendly and beautiful town and its surroundings I thought I'd try it anyway. The traffic has... Read more

  • Mark Norcross

    This link road is essential for reducing congestion through Glossop and Mottram which are already at unacceptable levels. The pollutants this standing traffic is creating is having a negative impact... Read more

  • Mark Owen

    This is an essential new road, promised to local people for more than a decade. Travel along this road is congested most of the time and a serious hindrance (and source of wasted emissions). The road... Read more

  • Martin Galvin

    This project is many years overdue and desperately needed. Traffic congestion on the A57 and A628 is a constant source of delay and frustration to the residents of Glossop, Mottram and Tintwistle, not... Read more

  • Martin Mowatt

    I support the building of the bypass and Glossop spur road

  • Matt Capstick

    As a resident, the traffic congestion is awful. It’s been better during Covid, but it’s far quicker for me to travel to sheffield than to Manchester by road, which is ridiculous.

  • Michael Brown

    This must go ahead. We need the infrastructure in Glossop

  • Michael Hall

    This proposed by-pass must be progressed as soon as is possible. The quality of life and safety of the residents in the area must take precedence over all other considerations.

  • Michael Harrison

    This project is vital to the area to reduce congestion locally and improve journey times on this important West-East route. It will also help reduce pollution.

  • Michael Madner

    For many years l have used the A57 through Glossop and Mottram to access the western motorway network. At any time of the day there is congestion starting at Woolley Bridge extending up Woolley Lane,... Read more

  • Michael Watts

    We have waited far to long for this bypass.Having been promised for years it’s time to invest in this area instead of southern projects continually getting put first. The amount of new properties... Read more

  • Michael Wood

    I support the building of the bypass 1. At the moment large traffic jams causing delay and pollution. 2.populated area causing disruption to their lives due to traffic at the moment and hazard to... Read more

  • Mike Leigh

    As a resident of the area for 34 years, the traffic from Woolley Bridge to Mottram has gotten progressively worse as more and more housing estates have been built, without the infrastructure to... Read more

  • Mike Schofield

    I am fully in support of the Mottram Bypass & Glossop Spur Road and it will make it significantly easier and quicker to get out of Hadfield and Glossop and onto the M67. It would also improve local... Read more

  • N Varnouse

    Having used this road many times I always seem to get held up on the current route between Glossop and Mottram. This makes journey times unpredictable and very times consuming. A bypass would... Read more

  • Naomi Beaman

    To reduce the traffic going through glossop reducing congestion and enabling residents easier commutes in and out of the area.

  • Oliver Gunnell

    I am in full support of the A57 Link Roads Programme, I have lived in the local town of Glossop for over 40years and the town and local area have outgrown the current road network, the traffic is... Read more

  • Patricia Lyne

    The traffic in Glossop is horrendous. To get out of Glossop takes 30 minutes to do 2 miles. More and more houses are being built and the current infrastructure is totally inadequate. Throughout my... Read more

  • Paul Bedwell

    Constant house building over the 34 years I have lived in Glossop has meant an ever increasing amount of traffic. There remains one obvious route out of Glossop for traffic travelling to Manchester.... Read more

  • Paul Campbell

    This infrastructure route has been over due for some time now. In the North we have been promised a better link network for years and more specifically in the Government initiative for a Northern... Read more

  • Paul Newberry

    I believe that the Mottram Bypass will improve the road traffic situation for both local residents and those passing through the area. Please proceed with bypass.

  • Paul Noble

    As a result of work I have had to drive through mottram a number of times. Not only does the congestion cause major tailbacks but also residents are unable to get out of their premises. I have no... Read more

  • Paul Osborne

    I have lived in Glossop for 43 years. During this time I and my family have suffered massive stress whilst travelling to work, visiting friends and relatives, and general travel to gain access to... Read more

  • Peter Anderson

    I believe the A57 link roads are essential for the health and future prosperity on the surrounding area.

  • Peter Easter

    it will speed up traffic around glossopdale and take cars away from residential areas. THE BY PASS IS ESSENTIAL TO CUT TRAFFIC CONGESTION AS I HAVE SUFFERED FOR THE MAJORITY OF MY 30 YEARS DRIVING

  • Peter Hughes

    I have lived in Glossop since 1995 and have suffered the daily inconvenience and wasted time from the fight to drive in and out of Glossop The byepass would be of great benefit to commuters by... Read more

  • Peter Jarvis

    As a resident of Glossop I travel out of the area vis Mottram Moor most days. The traffic congestion seems to be getting worst as each year goes by. I would love to know the number of accidents/near... Read more

  • Peter Kelsey

    This has been needed for 40years.

  • Peter Morgan

    Every time I drive that way in an attempt to get north of Manchester I am held up for at least 30 minutes. I comment to my wife how awful it must be for the residents who have to put up with queues... Read more

  • Phillip Wilson

    I'm fully behind this project

  • Prof. Antony D'Emanuele

    Intend to fully support this application. Growth of Glossop, including numerous new housing developments has resulted in congested roads and gridlock on traffic out of and into Glossop.

  • Professor Wesley Vernon

    The current road is a regular and major traffic jam. I live in the High Peak and this regularly puts me off travelling to and through this area. I used to travel a lot in my work and this is one of... Read more

  • Richard Boffey

    Roads from the end of the M67 are very often clogged with traffic. This continues through Mottram and Tintwistle not only causing traffic delays but causing vast amounts of pollution trapped in the... Read more

  • Richard Jones

    I’m a small business owner who lives and operates in Glossop and require access to the M1 & M6 for my business. The construction of the bypass is essentially to the growth and prosperity of my... Read more

  • Richard Parker

    The Mottram bypass has been long promised & long overdue. The build up of traffic & the consequential issues for the local community are intolerable and unacceptable.

  • Richard Strek

    The area, particularly around Mottram and Hollingworth, has been clogged up with heavy traffic , HGVs in the main, for many years. The need for a bypass has been discussed for many, many years . The... Read more

  • Richard Stubbs

    I have lived in the Greater Manchester are most of my life and often travelled to Sheffield, Doncaster using Woodhead or Snake Pass. The route from the end of the M67 through Motram is a well known... Read more

  • Richard W J Tonkin

    I have lived in Glossop for 8 years. The bypass for Mottram is long overdue. In fact, it should be extended past Tintwhistle to Woodhead. The roads here are inadequate for the existing population let... Read more

  • Richard Wilson

    [redacted] being affected by the amount of traffic passing my property I believe that we have been disregarded by not having a bypass other villages and towns on the same road have been prioritised... Read more

  • Rick Wood

    A must needed asset in view of the many new & planned housing additions in the area. The second phase must follow quickly to complete this proposal

  • Rob Haycock

    This is much overdue and needed to relieve the traffic in Mottram and Hollingworth.

  • Robert Blair

    Having resided in Padfield for 30 years and experienced an ever increasing amount of traffic using a road that carries heavy lorries as well as commuters to and from work, the congestion in the area... Read more

  • Robert Coggin

    Easier access between the peak district and manchester without the long waits at the mottram end especially when on business. Living in the high peak the road infrastructure is not adequate enough to... Read more

  • Robert Montgomery

    The A57 link roads are essential to improve quality of life for residents of Glossop. Better transport links will improve air quality and ensure more prosperity for our region.

  • Robin Baldry

    Using that area of road on many occasions I have supported whoever has applied for this bypass to be constructed, it is an essential piece of road being used daily by many many drivers and is quite... Read more

  • Robin Barker

    I am writing to express my support for the Mottram bypass and Glossop sprur road. These are desperately needed measures and are some forty years overdue! Please let these go ahead with no further... Read more

  • Rodney B Gilmour

    I fully support the Mottram bypass. I believe it will significantly improve the quality of life for both local residents, regular commuters and others like myself who occasionally travel that way and... Read more