All project updates
31 Ionawr 2023
18 Ionawr 2023
18 Awst 2022
18 Awst 2022
12 Awst 2022
29 Gorffennaf 2022
The deadline for the submission of responses to this consultation is 9 August 2022.
26 Gorffennaf 2022
13 Gorffennaf 2022
The Deadline for the submission of a response to this consultation is 25 July 2022.
7 Gorffennaf 2022
22 Mehefin 2022
The deadline for the submission of responses to this consultation is 6 July 2022.
16 Mehefin 2022
31 Mai 2022
The Deadline for the submission of responses to this consultation is 14 June 2022.
18 Mai 2022
22 Chwefror 2022
The Examination Library has been updated (PDF, 2 MB)
If you have any questions, please contact us:
21 Chwefror 2022
The Examining Authority has used its discretion to accept late Deadline 10 submissions from the following:
- Transport Action Network (PDF 430 KB)
- Bidwells on behalf of The Executors of N A Alington (PDF 76KB)
- National Highways - Statement of Common Ground with National Grid (PDF 2 MB)
The Examining Authority has used its discretion to accept Additional Submissions from the following:
- Wilkin Chapman LLP on behalf of Bedfordshire and River Ivel Internal Drainage Board (PDF 578 KB).
- Veale Wasbrough Vizards LLP on behalf of Exolum Pipeline System Limited (PDF 271 KB)
- National Highways (PDF, 2 MB) National Highways (PDF, 2 MB) National Highways (PDF, 356 KB) National Highways (PDF, 233 KB) National Highways (PDF, 1 MB) National Highways (PDF, 3 MB)
- National Highways – Statement of Common Ground with Anglian Water (PDF 4 MB)
The Examination Library (PDF 2 MB) will be updated shortly.
19 Chwefror 2022
18 Chwefror 2022
7 Chwefror 2022
The Examining Authority has issued a Rule 17 request for further information (PDF, 138 KB).
The Examining Authority have updated their record of notes on Unaccompanied Site Inspections (USI) to include the USI undertaken on 2 and 3 February 2022 (PDF, 127 KB).
The Examination Library will be updated shortly.
27 Ionawr 2022
The Examination Library (PDF, 806 KB) has been updated.
19 Ionawr 2022
The responses to Deadline 8 have now been published.
The Examination Library will be updated in due course.
14 Ionawr 2022
The Examination Library (PDF, 709 KB) has been updated.
10 Ionawr 2022
The Examination Library (PDF, 708 KB) has been updated.
22 Rhagfyr 2021
The Examination Library (PDF, 712KB) has been updated.
20 Rhagfyr 2021
The Examination Library (PDF, 710 KB) has been updated.
17 Rhagfyr 2021
The updated Examination Library and Submissions received for Deadline 6 will be published on Monday 20 December 2021.
10 Rhagfyr 2021
The ExA has issued a Rule 17 request for further information (PDF, 166 KB) from Mr Baron and other specific IPs including the Applicant.
The recordings, transcripts and Actions for, ISH4, ISH5, ISH6 and CAH2 have been published.
3 Rhagfyr 2021
The reserved Hearing day for the Issue Specific Hearings or Compulsory Acquisition Hearing on Tuesday 7 December 2021, that was notified in the Examining Authority’s Rule 13 letter of 29 November 2021, is no longer required and has been cancelled.
The Examination Library will be updated as soon as practicable.
30 Tachwedd 2021
The Examining Authority (ExA) has published the Agendas for these events; namely:
Joining Instructions have been issued via email to those Interested Parties intending to attend these events.
The ExA have used their discretion to accept the Applicants Additional Submissions, received on 29 November 2021, which relates to CAH2 regarding their schedule of changes.
All participants are reminded to refer to the Examination Library, which has been updated (PDF, 468 KB) and reflect on these submissions when attending all these events.
22 Tachwedd 2021
Issue Specific Hearing 4 (ISH4) (PDF, 148 KB) into Social, Economic and Environmental matters, scheduled for Tuesday 30 November 2021;
Issue Specific Hearing 5 (ISH5) (PDF, 140 KB) into Highways matters, scheduled for Wednesday 01 December 2021;
Issue Specific Hearing 6 (ISH6) (PDF, 111 KB) into matters relating to the draft DCO, scheduled for Thursday 02 December 2021; and
Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 2 (CAH2) (PDF, 163 KB), scheduled for Thursday 02 December 2021.
Joining Instructions for those Interested Parties intending to attend these events will be issued by email on Thursday 25 November 2021.
Please refer to the Examination Library for all these events, which has been updated (PDF, 1,014 KB).
18 Tachwedd 2021
The Examination Library (PDF, 1014 KB) has been updated.
10 Tachwedd 2021
The Examining Authority confirm that Wyboston, Chawston and Colesden Parish Council (WCCPC) has become an Interested Party under section 102(ca) of the Planning Act 2008).
The Examination Library (PDF, 563 KB) has been updated.
21 Hydref 2021
19 Hydref 2021
Please let the Case Team know by Tuesday 16 November 2021 (Procedural Deadline D) if you would like to attend and/or speak at any of these hearings.
The Examining Authority have updated their record of notes on Unaccompanied Site Inspections (USI) to include the USI undertaken on 20 September 2021 (PD, 103 KB).
The Examination Library (PDF, 541 KB) has been updated.
15 Hydref 2021
The Examination Library (PDF 530KB) has been updated.
8 Hydref 2021
The Deadline 3 submissions have now been published.
The Examination Library (PDF, 488 KB) has been updated
29 Medi 2021
The recordings and transcripts (CAH1, ISH2 and ISH3) for these events have also been published.
In line with the Procedural Decision issued at ISH3 on Friday 24 September 2021, the Hearings scheduled for Tuesday 28 September 2021 are now cancelled.
28 Medi 2021
The Action Points for Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 1 (PDF, 94KB), Issue Specific Hearing 2 () on Highways Matters including the dDCO (PDF, 104KB), and Issue Specific Hearing 3 () on Social, Economic and Environmental matters, including dDCO (PDF, 101KB), have been published.
The recordings and transcripts (CAH1, ISH2 and ISH3) for these events have also been published.
In line with the Procedural Decision issued at on Friday 24 September 2021, the Hearings scheduled for Tuesday 28 September 2021 are now cancelled.
See A428 Black Cat to Caxton Gibbet Road Improvement scheme for more information.
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27 Medi 2021
The recordings and transcripts (CAH1, ISH2 and ISH3) for these events have also been published.
In line with the Procedural Decision issued at ISH3 on Friday 24 September 2021, the Hearings scheduled for Tuesday 28 September 2021 are now cancelled.
22 Medi 2021
The Examining Authority (ExA) has published the agendas for the following Hearings:
Please refer to the Examination Library for all these events, which has been updated (PDF, 468 KB).
15 Medi 2021
The Examination Library has been updated [PDF, 468 KB].
10 Medi 2021
The itinerary for the Accompanied Site Inspection (ASI1), scheduled for Tuesday 21 September 2021 will be published early next week.
The Deadline 2 Submissions, Additional Submissions from the Applicant, Interested Parties and Other Persons, and a late Deadline 1 Submission from Local Authorities (PDF, 186 KB) have now been published.
The Examination Library (PDF, 466 KB) has been updated.
The ExA notes some late submissions, particularly with respect to the nomination of sites and annotated maps for the ASI, and confirmation of attendance at Hearings and the ASI. This is wholly unhelpful and leads to significant delays for the ExA reading the submitted material, and in the management of work required by the ExA and the Case Team to prepare for publication and other aspects of the Examination.
Parties are expected to read carefully the Examination Timetable published on Friday 20 August 2021 (PDF, 329KB). Please note in the Examination Timetable what information is required at which Deadline. Please prepare and submit your submissions before 23:59 on the date specified. Additional submissions on Deadlines will be accepted at the discretion of the ExA. Late submissions will most likely not be accepted in to Examination, unless the ExA makes an exception, for example where prior notification has been provided of an exceptional reason for the late submission, and this has been accepted by the ExA.
3 Medi 2021
27 Awst 2021
Deadline 1 (D1) and Procedural Deadline C of the Examination are on Tuesday 31 August 2021. Submissions due are set out in the Examination Timetable.
24 Awst 2021
24 Awst 2021
- The Examining Authority’s Rule 8 letter (PDF 329 KB) which gives details of the Examination Timetable, Procedural Decisions and notification of Hearings and an Accompanied Site Inspection.
- The formal issue of the Examining Authority’s first Written Questions (PDF 616 KB).
- The Preliminary Meeting Note (PDF 140 KB)
- The recording of Issue Specific Hearing 1
- The actions list (PDF 105 KB) from Issue Specific Hearing 1
- The recording of Open Floor Hearing 1
The Examining Authority has exercised its discretion to accept an additional submission from Mr Ted Baxter (PDF 96 KB).
The Examination Library (PDF 374 KB) has been updated.
20 Awst 2021
- The Examining Authority’s Rule 8 letter (PDF 329 KB) which gives details of the Examination Timetable, Procedural Decisions and notification of Hearings and an Accompanied Site Inspection.
- The formal issue of the Examining Authority’s first Written Questions (PDF 616 KB).
- The Preliminary Meeting Note (PDF 140 KB)
- The recording of Issue Specific Hearing 1
- The actions list (PDF 105 KB) from Issue Specific Hearing 1
The recordings for the Open Floor Hearing 1 will be published as soon as practicable.
The Examining Authority has exercised its discretion to accept an additional submission from Mr Ted Baxter (PDF 96 KB).
The Examination Library (PDF 374 KB) has been updated.
20 Awst 2021
Procedural decision following Preliminary Meeting.
18 Awst 2021
18 Awst 2021
17 Awst 2021
The Examining Authority (ExA) has considered the comments and representations made at Procedural Deadline A and B; and has decided not to hold Open Floor Hearing 2 (OFH2) scheduled for the evening of Thursday 19 August 2021. Their Procedural Decision on this matter will be covered at PM (Part 2) and in the Rule 8 Letter.
The Livestream of PM (Part 2), Issue Specific Hearing 1 (ISH1) and Open Floor Hearing 1 (OFH1) will be available for those wishing to observe this week in real time.
Instructions have been sent to those participants attending ISH1 (afternoon of 18 August 2021), please refer to the published Agenda for ISH1 (PDF, 159 KB). The ExA has now published the Agenda for OFH1 (PDF, 89 KB) (morning of 19 August 2021) and instructions on how to join this event will be issued shortly after the close of the PM.’
13 Awst 2021
Any responses to matters discussed during the PM must be submitted by Procedural Deadline B (Monday 16 August 2021).
10 Awst 2021
The Examining Authority would like to thank those who provided written submissions by Procedural Deadline A. These have been very helpful ahead of the Preliminary Meeting (PM). For those that have indicated a wish to speak on specific agenda items, joining instructions on how to join the PM have been issued by email today. For those wishing to observe the PM in real time, please use the following link Livestream of PM (Part 1).
Please note that the PM will start broadcasting LIVE once it opens at 10.00 on Tuesday 10 August 2021. If the Livestream doesn’t initially work, it may be resolved by refreshing the page or if you can’t hear anything, it may be that your sound is turned off and therefore un-muting or increasing the sound volume may resolve the issue.
Those participating or observing the PM should read the Rule 6 letter dated 9 July 2021 and all accompanying annexes. We would remind those observing the PM that there is an opportunity to provide any written responses to matters raised at the PM by Procedural Deadline B (16 August 2021).
9 Awst 2021
The Examining Authority would like to thank those who provided written submissions by Procedural Deadline A. These have been very helpful ahead of the Preliminary Meeting (PM). For those that have indicated a wish to speak on specific agenda items, joining instructions on how to join the PM have been issued by email today. For those wishing to observe the PM in real time, please use the following link Livestream of PM (Part 1).
Please note that the PM will start broadcasting LIVE once it opens at 10.00 on Tuesday 10 August 2021. If the Livestream doesn’t initially work, it may be resolved by refreshing the page or if you can’t hear anything, it may be that your sound is turned off and therefore un-muting or increasing the sound volume may resolve the issue.
Those participating or observing the PM should read the Rule 6 letter dated 9 July 2021 and all accompanying annexes. We would remind those observing the PM that there is an opportunity to provide any written responses to matters raised at the PM by Procedural Deadline B (16 August 2021).
21 Gorffennaf 2021
Responses are due by Deadline 1, Tuesday 31 August 2021. Please do not submit any responses before the start of the Examination.
The Examining Authority’s (ExA’s) Rule 6 letter was published on Friday 9 July 2021, providing details of the Preliminary Meeting and the draft timetable for the examination of the application.
20 Gorffennaf 2021
19 Gorffennaf 2021
9 Gorffennaf 2021
The letter also includes the draft Examination Timetable and Initial Assessment of Principal Issues.
8 Gorffennaf 2021
5 Gorffennaf 2021
2 Gorffennaf 2021
2 Gorffennaf 2021
24 Mehefin 2021
- Woolfson Trago (PDF, 198KB)
- Shell Gibbet Service Station (PDF, 180KB)
- Shell Fortune Service Station (PDF, 168 KB)
23 Mehefin 2021
10 Mehefin 2021
24 Mai 2021
Persons who received the Section 56 notification of the accepted Application on 28 April 2021, please note that your deadline to make a Relevant Representation on the Application remains unchanged, and must be received no later than 11.59pm on 10 June 2021.
For further advice please see Advice Note 8.2: How to register to participate in an Examination. If you still need assistance, please contact us at quoting reference number TR010044 or telephone us at 0303 444 5000.
28 Ebrill 2021
23 Mawrth 2021
15 Mawrth 2021
If the application is accepted for examination anyone interested in the application will be able to register and express their views during the relevant representation stage and the subsequent examination.