View examination library (PDF, 1MB) containing document reference numbers
Habitats Regulations Assessment
(PDF, 706KB)
Secretary of State Decision Letter
(PDF, 503KB)
Notification of Decision Letter
(PDF, 172KB)
Recommendation Report
(PDF, 4MB)
Development Consent Order as made by the Secretary of State
(PDF, 519KB)
Regulation 31 Notice - Notification of Decision Letter
(PDF, 66KB)
Post-Examination Submissions
(PDF, 2MB)
Late response to Secretary of State Consultation dated 2 September 2022
(PDF, 377KB)
From DWF Law LLP on behalf of Severn Trent Water
Late response to Secretary of State Consultation dated 2 September 2022
(PDF, 155KB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Late response to Secretary of State Consultation dated 2 September 2022
(PDF, 123KB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Late response to Secretary of State Consultation dated 2 September 2022
(PDF, 285KB)
From DWF Law LLP on behalf of Severn Trent Water
Response to Secretary of State Consultation dated 2 September 2022
(PDF, 91KB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Response to Secretary of State Consultation dated 2 September 2022
(PDF, 216KB)
From Severn Trent Water
Response to Secretary of State Consultation dated 2 September 2022
(PDF, 378KB)
From DWF Law LLP on behalf of Severn Trent Water
Letter from the Secretary of State - dated 2 September 2022
(PDF, 138KB)
From Secretary of State Consultation
Deadline 9 (D9) Submission - Final draft Development Consent Order to be submitted by the Applicant in the Statutory Instruments template with the Statutory Instruments template validation report
(PDF, 582KB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Deadline 9 (D9) Submission - 7.3.1 Statement of Common Ground with Joint Councils
(PDF, 473KB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Deadline 9 (D9) Submission - 7.3.4 Statements of Common Ground with Historic England
(PDF, 250KB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Deadline 9 (D9) Submission - 7.3.5 Statements of Common Ground with Cotswolds Conservation Board
(PDF, 296KB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Deadline 9 (D9) Submission - 7.3 Statement of Commonality (Clean) - Rev 4
(PDF, 385KB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Deadline 9 (D9) Submission - 7.3.2 Statement of Common Ground with Environment Agency
(PDF, 296KB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Deadline 9 (D9) Submission - 8.9 Compulsory Acquisition Schedule (Clean) - Rev 2
(PDF, 77KB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Deadline 9 (D9) Submission - 1.1a Introduction to the Application (Clean) - Rev 8
(PDF, 280KB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Deadline 9 (D9) Submission - 7.3.6 Statement of Common Ground with Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust
(PDF, 457KB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Deadline 9 (D9) Submission - Comments on responses received by Deadline 8
(PDF, 2KB)
From The Woodland Trust
Deadline 9 (D9) Submission - 7.3.7 Statement of Common Ground with National Trust
(PDF, 454KB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Deadline 9 (D9) Submission - 7.3.9 Statement of Common Ground with Cellnex UK Limited
(PDF, 251KB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Deadline 9 (D9) Submission - 7.3.10 Statement of Common Ground with Coberley Parish Council
(PDF, 315KB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Deadline 9 (D9) Submission - 8.35 Comments on Responses received by Deadline 8
(PDF, 3MB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Deadline 9 (D9) Submission - 3.1 Draft Development Consent Order (Clean) - Rev 4
(PDF, 1MB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Deadline 9 (D9) Submission - 7.3.3 Statements of Common Ground with Natural England
(PDF, 323KB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Deadline 9 (D9) Submission - 8.9 Compulsory Acquisition Schedule (Tracked) - Rev 2
(PDF, 77KB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Deadline 9 (D9) Submission - Position Statement
(PDF, 42KB)
From Fisher German LLP on behalf of Severn Trent Water
Deadline 9 (D9) Submission - 3.3 Schedule of amendments to the draft Development Consent Order - Rev 4
(PDF, 218KB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Deadline 9 (D9) Submission
(PDF, 11KB)
From Carol Gilbert
Deadline 9 (D9) Submission
(PDF, 2KB)
From Hannah Dawson
Deadline 9 (D9) Submission - 7.3.8 Statement of Common Ground with The Walking, Cycling and Horse riding Technical Working Group
(PDF, 709KB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Deadline 9 (D9) Submission - 1.1b Application Document Tracker - Rev 10
(PDF, 256KB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Deadline 9 (D9) Submission - 3.1 Draft Development Consent Order (Tracked) - Rev 4
(PDF, 1MB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Deadline 9 (D9) Submission - 3.2 Explanatory Memorandum (Clean) - Rev 3
(PDF, 402KB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Deadline 9 (D9) Submission - Position Statement
(PDF, 139KB)
From The Joint Councils (Gloucestershire County Council, Cotswold District Council, and Tewkesbury Borough Council)
Deadline 9 (D9) Submission - Cover Letter
(PDF, 129KB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Deadline 9 (D9) Submission - 8.22 Landowner Position Statements (Clean) - Rev 2
(PDF, 2MB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Deadline 9 (D9) Submission - 8.22 Landowner Position Statements (Tracked) - Rev 2
(PDF, 1MB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Deadline 9 (D9) Submission - 3.2 Explanatory Memorandum (Tracked) - Rev 3
(PDF, 407KB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Deadline 9 (D9) Submission - 7.3 Statement of Commonality (Tracked) - Rev 4
(PDF, 659KB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Deadline 9 (D9) Submission - Comments on responses received by Deadline 8 and any further information requested by the Examining Authority under Rule 17 of the Examination Rules
(PDF, 125KB)
From Climate Emergency Policy and Planning (CEPP)
Deadline 9 (D9) Submission - Comments on responses received by Deadline 8
(PDF, 3KB)
From Linda Dawson
Notification of completion of Examination
(PDF, 98KB)
Deadline 8 (D8) Submission - 3.1 Draft Development Consent Order (Clean) - Rev 4
(PDF, 1MB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Deadline 8 (D8) Submission - Position Statement Cover Letter
(PDF, 73KB)
From Patricia and Robert de Lisle Wells
Deadline 8 (D8) Submission - Cotswold Way Diversion Report and Relevance to Walking and the Countryside
(PDF, 88KB)
From Gloucestershire Ramblers
Deadline 8 (D8) Submission - 7.11 Cotswold Way National Trail Diversion Report (Rev 1)
(PDF, 4MB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Deadline 8 (D8) Submission - 4.1 Statement of Reasons (Clean) - Rev 2
(PDF, 15MB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Deadline 8 (D8) Submission - 6.4 Appendix 2.1 EMP Annex B Construction Traffic Management Plan (Deadline 8) (Clean) - Rev 3
(PDF, 45MB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Deadline 8 (D8) Submission - 2.5 Rights of Way and Access Plans - Rev 4
(PDF, 23MB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Deadline 8 (D8) Submission - 8.22 Landowner Position Statement
(PDF, 84KB)
From Patricia and Robert de Lisle Wells
Deadline 8 (D8) Submission - Cover Letter
(PDF, 122KB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Deadline 8 (D8) Submission - 1.1b Application Document Tracker - Rev 9
(PDF, 254KB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Deadline 8 (D8) Submission - Adverse Impact of the Scheme on Barrow Wake View Point, Car park and SSSI - Late submission accepted at the discretion of the Examining Authority
(PDF, 5MB)
From Gloucestershire Ramblers
Deadline 8 (D8) Submission - 3.1 Draft Development Consent Order (Tracked) - Rev 4
(PDF, 2MB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Deadline 8 (D8) Submission - 7.2 Consents and Agreements Position Statement (Clean) - Rev 2
(PDF, 206KB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Deadline 8 (D8) Submission - 2.2 Land Plans - Rev 3
(PDF, 20MB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Deadline 8 (D8) Submission - DCO Validation Report
(PDF, 584KB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Deadline 8 (D8) Submission - Any further information requested by the ExA under Rule 17 of the Examination Rules
(PDF, 800KB)
From Fisher German LLP on behalf of Severn Trent Water Limited
Deadline 8 (D8) Submission - Written summary of oral submissions to Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 3 (CAH3)
(PDF, 77KB)
From Carter Jonas LLP on behalf of Hanson Quarry Products Europe Limited
Deadline 8 (D8) Submission - 4.3 Book of Reference - Rev 2
(PDF, 77KB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Deadline 8 (D8) Submission - 7.2 Consents and Agreements Position Statement (Tracked) - Rev 2
(PDF, 263KB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Deadline 8 (D8) Submission - Position Statement
(PDF, 84KB)
From Moore Allen & Innocent LLP on behalf of I F Medlock
Deadline 8 (D8) Submission - Position Statement
(PDF, 81KB)
From Moore Allen & Innocent LLP on behalf of BJ & CE Ford
Deadline 8 (D8) Submission - Appendix B: Net Zero Strategy Legal Challenge, Friends of the Earth Briefing, March 2nd 2022
(PDF, 267KB)
From Climate Emergency Policy and Planning (CEPP)
Deadline 8 (D8) Submission - 1.1a Introduction to the Application (Tracked) - Rev 7
(PDF, 588KB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Deadline 8 (D8) Submission - 3.2 Explanatory Memorandum (Clean) - Rev 2
(PDF, 485KB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Deadline 8 (D8) Submission - 8.33 Comments on Responses received by Deadline 7 and 7a and Changes to the Application
(PDF, 5MB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Deadline 8 (D8) Submission - 4.3 Book of Reference (Tracked) - Rev 2
(PDF, 77KB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Deadline 8 (D8) Submission - Written summary of oral submissions to Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 3 (CAH3)
(PDF, 77KB)
From Bruce Fowler on behalf of Mr and Mrs Field
Deadline 8 (D8) Submission - Climate emergency and relevance to walking and the countryside
(PDF, 58KB)
From Gloucestershire Ramblers
Deadline 8 (D8) Submission - 6.3 Figure 7.11 Environmental Masterplan Sheet 6 of 25 - Rev 1
(PDF, 5MB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Deadline 8 (D8) Submission - An updated version of the draft Development Consent Order (dDCO)
(PDF, 1MB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Deadline 8 (D8) Submission - 4.1 Statement of Reasons (Tracked) - Rev 2
(PDF, 14MB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Deadline 8 (D8) Submission - 3.3 Schedule of changes to the draft Development Consent Order - Rev 3
(PDF, 214KB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Deadline 8 (D8) Submission - Appendix D: Climate Change Committee, Advice on Reducing the UK’s Emissions
(PDF, 128KB)
From Climate Emergency Policy and Planning (CEPP)
Deadline 8 (D8) Submission - Appendix C: Net Zero Strategy Legal Challenge, Key Extracts, Good Law Project Pap Letter, December 22nd 2021
(PDF, 3MB)
From Climate Emergency Policy and Planning (CEPP)
Deadline 8 (D8) Submission - Any further information requested by the ExA under Rule 17 of the Examination Rules
(PDF, 136KB)
From The Joint Councils (Gloucestershire County Council, Cotswold District Council, and Tewkesbury Borough Council)
Deadline 8 (D8) Submission - Appendix A: Net Zero Strategy Legal Challenge, Permission Order, March 1st 2022
(PDF, 226KB)
From Climate Emergency Policy and Planning (CEPP)
Deadline 8 (D8) Submission - 1.1a Introduction to the Application (Clean) - Rev 7
(PDF, 278KB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Deadline 8 (D8) Submission - 6.4 Appendix 2.1 EMP Annex B Construction Traffic Management Plan (Tracked) - Rev 3
(PDF, 45MB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Deadline 8 (D8) Submission - 8.32 Geophysical Survey Report 2022 Part 2 of 2
(PDF, 34MB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Deadline 8 (D8) Submission - Any post-Hearing submissions requested at the Hearings - CD 169: The design of lay-bys, maintenance hardstandings, rest areas, service areas and observation platforms
(PDF, 2MB)
From Bruce Fowler on behalf of Mr and Mrs Field
Deadline 8 (D8) Submission - 8.32 Geophysical Survey Report 2022 Part 1 of 2
(PDF, 19MB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Deadline 8 (D8) Submission - 8.34 Summary of Applicant’s Oral Submissions at Issue Specific Hearing 3 (ISH3)
(PDF, 410KB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Deadline 8 (D8) Submission - 6.8 Detailed Archaeological Mitigation Strategy and Overarching Written Schemes of Investigation
(PDF, 2MB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Deadline 8 (D8) Submission - 7.11 Cotswold Way National Trail Diversion Report (Clean) - Rev 1
(PDF, 3MB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Deadline 8 (D8) Submission - 3.2 Explanatory Memorandum (Tracked) - Rev 2
(PDF, 458KB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Deadline 8 (D8) Submission
(PDF, 200KB)
From Climate Emergency Policy and Planning (CEPP)
Deadline 8 (D8) Submission - 6.3 Figure 7.9 Retained Vegetation Sheet 2 of 6 - Rev 1
(PDF, 11MB)
From National Highways (formerly Highways England)
Request for Further Information - Rule 17
(PDF, 117KB)
This document is intended to assist Interested Parties, it is not verbatim. The content is produced using artificial intelligence voice to text and is unedited.
(PDF, 73KB)
From Issue Specific Hearing 5 - Transcript - 29 April 2022
This document is intended to assist Interested Parties, it is not verbatim. The content is produced using artificial intelligence voice to text and is unedited.
(PDF, 77KB)
From Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 3 - Transcript - 29 April 2022
Recording of Open Floor Hearing 2 - 29 April 2022
(PDF, 73KB)