M5 Junction 10 Improvements Scheme Examination timetable

The examination timetable shows the dates of events and deadlines for submissions.

If you have registered to have your say, you can do this in the examination stage.

The examination stage

The examination opened on 4 June 2024

The examination is expected to close on 4 December 2024

Have your say

Upcoming deadlines and events

9 July 2024 - Deadline 2


Deadline 2

For receipt by the ExA of:

  • Comments on submissions for Deadline 1
  • Comments on Local Impact Reports
  • Comments on the Applicant’s draft itinerary for the ASI
  • Any further information requested by the ExA under Rule 17 of the Examination Rules
  • Comments on any further information requested by the ExA and received by Deadline 1

9 July 2024 - Publication by the ExA 1

Publication by the ExA of:

  • ExA’s First Written Questions

30 July 2024 - Deadline 3

Deadline 3

For receipt by the ExA of:

  • Responses to ExQ1
  • Comments on submissions for Deadline 2
  • Updated Land Rights Tracker
  • Updated BoR, Statement of Reasons and Schedule of Changes to the BoR
  • Notification of a wish to attend the ASI, ISH, CAHand OFH (if requested) on the w/c 12 August 2024

6 August 2024 - Publication by the ExA 2

Publication by the ExA of:

  • Final ASI itinerary

14 August 2024 - Issue Specific Hearing 3 (ISH3)

Issue Specific Hearing 3 (ISH3) covering Traffic and transport, Flooding, Funding,Mitigation through the REAC, Requirements and the EMP and other environmental matters.

15 August 2024 - Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 1 (CAH1)

Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 1 (CAH1)

16 August 2024 - Accompanied Site Inspection (ASI)

Accompanied Site Inspection (ASI)

16 August 2024 - Further Open Floor Hearings (if required)

Further Open Floor Hearings (if required) - w/c 12 August 2024

3 September 2024 - Deadline 4

Deadline 4

For receipt by the ExA of:

  • Written post hearing submissions including written submissions of oral cases made at Hearings the w/c 12 August 2024

10 September 2024 - Publication by the ExA 3

Publication of:

  • The ExA’s Second Written Questions (ExQ2) (if required)

1 October 2024 - Deadline 5

Deadline 5

For receipt by the ExA of:

  • Responses to ExQ2
  • Updated Land Rights Tracker

18 October 2024 - ASI and Hearings

ASI and Hearings

Dates reserved for ASIs and hearings:

  • Further ISHs (if required).
  • Further CAH (if required).
  • Further OFHs (if required).
  • Further ASIs (if required).

22 October 2024 - Publication by the ExA 4

Publication by the ExA of:

  • Report on the Implications for European Sites (RIES) and any associated questions (if required)
  • ExA’s commentary on, or schedule of changes to, the dDCO

30 October 2024 - Deadline 6

Deadline 6

For receipt by the ExA of:

  • Written summaries of oral submissions made at Hearings held during the w/c 14 October 2024

12 November 2024 - Deadline 7

Deadline 7

For receipt by the ExA of:

  • Comments on the RIES and responses to any associated questions (if issued)
  • Comments on any additional information/submissions received by Deadline 6
  • Comments on the ExA’s dDCO/Schedule of changes

19 November 2024 - Deadline 8

Deadline 8

For receipt by the ExA of:

  • Applicant’s Comments on the RIES and responses to any associated questions (if issued)
  • Applicant’s Comments on the ExA’s dDCO/Schedule of changes and responses to submissions at Deadline 7
  • Final DCO to be submitted by the Applicant in the SI template with the SI template validation report
  • Final BoR and schedule of changes to BoR
  • Final SoCGs
  • Final Principal Areas of Disagreement Summary Statement
  • Final Statement of Commonality of SoCG
  • List of matters not agreed where SoCG could not be finalised
  • Final Navigation Document/Guide to the application
  • Final Land Rights Tracker
  • Final NPS Tracker
  • Final signed and dated section 106 (if required)
  • Any further information requested by the ExA under Rule 17 of The Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010

26 November 2024 - Deadline 9

Deadline 9

For receipt by the ExA of:

  • Closing Submissions (all except Applicant)
  • Any further information requested by the ExA under Rule 17 of The Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010

2 December 2024 - Deadline 10

Deadline 10

For the receipt by the ExA of:

  • Applicant’s Closing Submissions

4 December 2024 - Close of Examination

The ExA is under a duty to complete the Examination of the application by the end of the period of six months

Past deadlines and events

28 May 2024 - Procedural Deadline A


Procedural Deadline A

Deadline for receipt by the ExA of:

  • Written submissions on the Examination Procedure, including any submissions about the use of blended methods
  • Requests to be heard orally at the Preliminary Meeting
  • Requests to participate in Open Floor Hearing 1 on 4 June 2024
  • Requests to participate in Issue Specific Hearing 1 on 5 June 2024
  • Requests to participate in Issue Specific Hearing 2 on 6 June 2024
  • Suggested locations for site inspections (Accompanied or Unaccompanied), including justification, for consideration by the ExA

4 June 2024 - Preliminary Meeting


Preliminary Meeting

4 June 2024 - Open Floor Hearing 1 (OFH1)


Open Floor Hearing 1 (OFH1)

5 June 2024 - Issue Specific Hearing 1 (ISH1)


Issue Specific Hearing 1 (ISH1) on Policy, Need and Alternatives

6 June 2024 - Issue Specific Hearing 2 (ISH2)


Issue Specific Hearing 2 (ISH2) on the draft Development Consent Order

18 June 2024 - Deadline 1


Deadline 1

For receipt by the ExA of:

  • Comments on any Additional Submissions accepted by the ExA and updates to application documents submitted by the Applicant before the PM
  • Local Impact Reports from any Local Authorities
  • Draft Statements of Common Grounds and Principal Areas of Disagreement Summary Statements
  • Statement of Commonality for SoCGs
  • Draft Land Rights Tracker
  • Draft NPS tracker
  • Comments on Relevant Representations (RR)
  • Summaries of all RR exceeding 1500 words
  • Written Representations and summaries for any that exceed 1500 words
  • Notification by Statutory Parties of their wish to be considered as an IP by the ExA
  • Applicant’s draft itinerary for ASI
  • Requests to be heard at an OFH Requests by Interested Parties to be heard at an Open Floor Hearing (OFH)
  • Requests to be heard at a CAH Requests by Affected Persons (defined in section 59(4) of the Planning Act 2008) to be heard at a Compulsory Acquisition Hearing (CAH)
  • Written post hearing submissions including written submissions of oral cases made at Hearings held during w/c 3 June 2024
  • Any further information requested by the ExA under Rule 17 of The Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010