Back to list A46 Newark Bypass

Representation by Farndon Parish Council (Farndon Parish Council)

Date submitted
17 June 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

My Council will be interested in the following issues: Access to Newark and the impact of the work to the A46 roundabout. Noise Flood Compensation Areas and the potential impact on flooding in the wider area. The impact of the Southern Link Road that is currently under construction. To consider the Parish Council’s response to the A46 Dualling Consultation The Clerk referred to the documents circulated to Members covering the areas that it was considered of significance to the village: · Noise · Traffic Control · Public Footpaths · Flooding Noise Members noted that noise monitoring locations were included on document TR010065. This showed long term monitoring at reference LT3, and short term monitoring at ST2. Given the potential impact of noise on the village Members would want to see long term monitoring at location ST2, in addition to LT3. This would ensure closer monitoring of noise impact on the whole of the village. A major source of noise on the current bypass was from the expansion strips used on the bridge over the Nottingham to Lincoln railway. National Highways were asked to consider the type and use of expansion strips to lessen this noise, and to also consider a noise reducing surface to minimise tyre noise. Members queried what the proposed speed limit would be once the bypass was open. The Clerk presumed this would be 70mph in line with national speed limits. It was noted that the current speed limit reduced to 40mph as traffic approached the Farndon Road roundabout. Members considered that the speed limit should be 50mph on the new bypass once complete. It was noted that a storage site would be constructed on land adjacent to Crees Lane. Members requested confirmation that the residents on Crees Lane had been consulted on this usage and asked the Clerk to obtain a copy of any correspondence issued to those residents. Members also sought confirmation of operating times for this site due to the potential impact on adjacent residents, and the proposed layout of the site. As part of noise abatement measures at the end of the construction of the A46 bypass, Members asked that consideration be given to gifting the land at Crees Lane to the Parish Council as compensation for the upheaval to the community. Flooding Members noted the Floodplain Compensation Areas Farndon FCA (East) and Farndon FCA (West) as outlined on TR010065, Appendix C.3. Clarification was sought on the following in relation to flooding: • What is the operation life in terms of management and maintenance of the flood compensation areas? • At what point would the assimilation of water shown on Appendix C.7 ‘Reservoir Flood Risk’ become live given the projected impact shown on the whole of the village. The areas proposed for the Flood Compensation Areas are already part of the flood plain: • Where will the earth go that will be excavated for the Flood Compensation Areas, will it be used for the embankments? • How often with the Flood Compensation Areas be maintained? • How do the Farndon Flood Compensation Areas feed into the Averham Flood Compensation Areas? • Has the level of the water table been taken into consideration? The areas outlined for the Flood Compensation Areas had water pooling in them before there was any fluvial flooding from the River Trent. • What security measures will be put in place around the areas to prevent unlawful access? • When would the Farndon Flood Compensation Areas be constructed in the timeline for the project? • In Appendix C 10 of document number TR010065-000267 the risk is shown as an increase from ‘Significant Hazard’ to ‘Extreme Hazard’ at the Farndon Flood Compensation Areas. Members would like an explanation of what this means and what the impact would be on the village. Traffic In paragraph 2.17.5 in TR010065-000138 it outlines that monthly Traffic management meetings will be held with specific stakeholders including the LHA (Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire County Councils), Newark and Sherwood District Council, emergency services and representatives from adjacent schemes to discuss the detailed design, TTM details, diversions routes and interface with adjacent developers and their schemes. Members considered that affected parishes should be included as stakeholders and invited to management meetings. With Crees Lane being used as a primary site for storage, and the requirement for heavy goods vehicles to access, Members sought reassurance that there would be adequate protection for pedestrians, cyclists, mobility scooters, etc, who would have to cross the access to Crees Lane in order to use the footpath and underpass. No construction traffic to gain access onto Crees Lane via Fosse Road in the village of Farndon. All construction traffic to come in off the A46 roundabout. Members noted that, where road closures were required, they would be between 9pm and 5am. When road closures were in place, it was acknowledged that local traffic would use local routes, especially through Hawton. Flooding at Hawton would compromise this diversion route. Members requested that a road and footpath condition survey be undertaken of Fosse Road and Crees Lane prior to any work commencing, with National Highways to undertake to make good any damage undertaken during the construction period. In conclusion, Members considered it was important that National Highways engaged with the local community to ensure they were fully informed of the scope of work and the impact it would have during the construction phase and beyond.