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Representation by Natural England (Natural England)

Date submitted
11 July 2024
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Summary of Natural England’s advice Overall, Natural England are satisfied that the proposals address the majority of potential impacts to the natural environment. The only areas of concern where we consider further assessment and/or information is required to enable to examining authority to make an informed decision are: Internationally Designated Sites and Soils & Best and Most Versatile Agricultural Land. The key concerns we have regarding Internationally Designated Sites are: • Omission of construction pollution and silt management measures in the Drainage Strategy • Reference to ‘loss of lamprey individuals’ in the HRA report • Limited explanation regarding the ‘de minimis’ impact of construction piling on key species (lamprey) • Omission of consideration of Operational Highway Light Spill • Prevention of light spill impact on migrating lamprey does not follow the mitigation hierarchy • HRA in-combination assessment is insufficient and scheme location criteria require review The key concerns we have regarding Soils and Best and Most Versatile (BMV) Agricultural Land are: • Lack of clear commitment to reinstate all temporarily lost BMV land to its original classification after construction • Lack of clear commitment to ensure soils are not handled when wet • Lack of ALC Survey at land south of Farndon Roundabout
