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London Luton Airport Expansion Examination timetable

The examination timetable shows the dates of events and deadlines for submissions.

If you have registered to have your say, you can do this in the examination stage.

The examination stage

The examination opened on 10 August 2023

The examination closed on 10 February 2024

Upcoming deadlines and events

There are no deadlines and events

Past deadlines and events

27 July 2023 - Procedural Deadline A


Procedural Deadline A

Deadline for receipt by the ExA of:

  • Responses to the Rule 6 letter including any written submissions on the Examination procedure and draft Examination Timetable
  • Requests to be heard orally at the Preliminary Meeting including which agenda items you wish to speak on, points you wish to make and why these need to be made orally rather than in writing
  • Request by Interested Parties to be heard orally at the Open Floor Hearings

10 August 2023 - Preliminary Meeting


Preliminary Meeting (PM)

10 August 2023 - Open Floor Hearing 1 (OFH1)


Open Floor Hearing 1 (OFH1)

11 August 2023 - Open Floor Hearing 2 (OFH2)


Open Floor Hearing 2 (OFH2)

22 August 2023 - Deadline 1


Deadline 1

For receipt by ExA of:

  • Comments on any updates to application documents submitted by the Applicant before or at the Preliminary Meeting (PM)
  • Comments on Relevant Representations (RR)
  • Summaries of all RR exceeding 1500 words
  • Written Representations (WRs)
  • Summaries of all WRs exceeding 1500 words
  • Notification by Statutory Parties of their wish to be considered an Interested Party (IP) by the ExA
  • Notification of wish to be heard at an Issue Specific Hearing (ISH)
  • Request to be heard at a Compulsory Acquisition Hearing (CAH)
  • Request by IPs to be heard at any subsequent Open Floor Hearings (OFH)
  • Provision of suggested locations and justifications for an Accompanied Site Inspection (ASI) for consideration by the ExA (if held)
  • Post-hearing submissions including written submissions of oral cases put at OFH1 and OFH2
  • Response to Action Points arising from the PM, OFH1 or OFH2 (unless otherwise stated in Action Points)
  • Guide to the Application
  • Submission of information requested in Annex F of the Rule 6 letter
  • Notification of wish to have future correspondence received electronically
  • Any further information requested by the ExA under Rule 17 of the Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010
  • Comments on any further information/ submissions accepted by the ExA

25 August 2023 - Deadline 1A


Deadline 1A

For receipt by the ExA of:

  • Local Impact Reports (LIRs)

12 September 2023 - Deadline 2


Deadline 2

For receipt by the ExA of:

  • Initial Statements of Common Ground (SoCGs) requested by the ExA (see Annex F of the Rule 6 letter)
  • Statement of Commonality of SoCG
  • Comments on WRs
  • The Applicant’s comments on oral and written submissions of oral cases put at OFH1 and OFH2
  • The Applicant’s revised draft Development Consent Order (draft DCO)(if required)
  • Status of Negotiations/ Compulsory Acquisition Schedule
  • Applicant’s draft itinerary for the ASI (if held)
  • Updated Principal Areas of Disagreement Summary Statements (PADSS)
  • Any further information requested by the ExA under Rule 17 of the Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010
  • Comments on any further information/ submissions received by Deadline 1

15 September 2023 - Deadline 2A


Deadline 2A

For the receipt by the ExA of:

  • Comments on the LIRs

26 September 2023 - Issue Specific Hearing (ISH1)


Issue Specific Hearing (ISH1)

  • on the draft DCO

26 September 2023 - Compulsory Acquisition Hearing (CAH1)


Compulsory Acquisition Hearing (CAH1)

27 September 2023 - Issue Specific Hearing (ISH2)


Issue Specific Hearing (ISH2)

  • Need, Socio-Economic matters, Green House Gases and Climate Change

27 September 2023 - Issue Specific Hearing (ISH3)


Issue Specific Hearing (ISH3)

  • Noise and vibration and related effects

28 September 2023 - Issue Specific Hearing (ISH4)


Issue Specific Hearing (ISH4)

  • ISH4 on Traffic and Transport

28 September 2023 - Issue Specific Hearing (ISH5)


Issue Specific Hearing (ISH5)

  • Air Quality and related effects

29 September 2023 - Issue Specific Hearing (ISH6)


Issue Specific Hearing (ISH6)

  • Biodiversity, Water, Land-Use, Landscape and Visual, Design and Heritage and any other matters.

5 October 2023 - Deadline 3


Deadline 3

For receipt by the ExA of:

  • Post-hearing submissions including written submissions of oral cases
  • The Applicant’s revised draft DCO (if required)
  • Status of Negotiations/ CA Schedule
  • Updated SoCG
  • Updated Statement of Commonality of SoCG
  • Updated PADSS
  • Updated Guide to the Application
  • Comments on the Applicant’s draft itinerary for the ASI (if held)
  • Any further information requested by the ExA under Rule 17 of the Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010
  • Comments on any further information/ submissions received by Deadline 2

10 October 2023 - Publication by the ExA 1


Publication by the ExA of:

  • Written Questions (ExQ1)

1 November 2023 - Deadline 4


Deadline 4

For receipt by the ExA of:

  • Response to the ExA’s Written Questions (ExQ1)
  • Comments on the Applicant’s revised draft DCO (if submitted)
  • Any further information requested by the ExA under Rule 17 of the Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010
  • Comments on any further information/submissions received by Deadline 3

14 November 2023 - Deadline 5


Deadline 5

For receipt by the ExA of:

  • Notification of wish to attend the ASI (if held)
  • Comments on responses to the ExA’s Written Questions (ExQ1)
  • Any further information requested by the ExA under Rule 17 of the Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010
  • Comments on any further information/submissions received by Deadline 4

27 November 2023 - Open Floor Hearing 3 (OFH3)


Open Floor Hearing 3 (OFH3)

28 November 2023 - Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 2 (CAH2)


Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 2 (CAH2)

28 November 2023 - Issue Specific Hearing 7 (ISH7)


Issue Specific Hearing 7 (ISH7)

29 November 2023 - Issue Specific Hearing 8 (ISH8)


Issue Specific Hearing 8 (ISH8)

30 November 2023 - Issue Specific Hearing 9 (ISH9)


Issue Specific Hearing 9 (ISH9)

1 December 2023 - Issue Specific Hearing 10 (ISH10)


Issue Specific Hearing 10 (ISH10)

8 December 2023 - Deadline 6


Deadline 6

For receipt by the ExA of:

  • Post-hearing submissions including written submissions of oral cases (if held)
  • The Applicant’s revised draft DCO
  • Status of Negotiations/ CA Schedule
  • Updated SoCG
  • Updated Statement of Commonality of SoCG
  • Updated PADSS
  • Updated Guide to the Application
  • Any further information requested by the ExA under Rule 17 of the Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010
  • Comments on any further information/ submissions received by Deadline 5

15 December 2023 - Publication by the ExA 2


Publication by the ExA of:

  • Further Written Questions (ExQ2) (if required)
  • Report on the Implications for European Sites (RIES)(if required)

9 January 2024 - Deadline 7


Deadline 7

For receipt by the ExA of:

  • Response to the ExA’s Further Written Questions (ExQ2) (if required)
  • Comments on the Applicant’s revised draft DCO
  • Comments on the RIES (if required)
  • Any further information requested by the ExA under Rule 17 of the Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010
  • Comments on any further information/ submissions received by Deadline 6

16 January 2024 - Publication by the ExA 3


Publication by the ExA of:

  • ExA’s commentary on, or schedule of changes to the draft DCO (if required)

23 January 2024 - Deadline 8


Deadline 8

For receipt by the ExA of:

  • Comments on the ExA’s commentary on, or schedule of changes to the draft DCO (if required)
  • Final PADSS
  • Any further information requested by the ExA under Rule 17 of the Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010
  • Comments on any further information/ submissions received by Deadline 7

30 January 2024 - Deadline 9


Deadline 9

For receipt by the ExA of:

  • Final version of the draft DCO in clean, tracked and word versions
  • Final draft DCO to be submitted by the Applicant in the SI template with the SI validation report
  • Final Book of Reference (BoR) and schedule of changes to the BoR
  • Final status of Negotiations/ Compulsory Acquisition Schedule
  • Final SoCG
  • Final Statement of Commonality of SoCG
  • Final Guide to the Application
  • Signed and dated planning obligations (if required)
  • Any further information requested by the ExA under Rule 17 of the Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010
  • Comments on any further information/ submissions received by Deadline 8

5 February 2024 - Deadline 10


Deadline 10

For receipt by the ExA of:

  • Any further information requested by the ExA under Rule 17 of the Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010
  • Comments on any further information/ submissions received by Deadline 9

8 February 2024 - Deadline 11


Deadline 11

For receipt by the ExA of:

  • Final SoCGs
  • Final Statement of Commonality of SoCG
  • Final status of Negotiations/Compulsory Acquisition Schedule
  • Final Guide to the Application
  • Signed and dated legal agreements
  • Any further information requested by the ExA under Rule 17 of the Infrastructure Planning (Examination Procedure) Rules 2010
  • Comments on any further information/ submissions received by Deadline 10

10 February 2024 - Deadline for close of Examination


Deadline for close of Examination

  • The ExA is under a duty to complete the examination of the application by the end of the period of six months.
  • Please note that the ExA may close the Examination before the end of the six-month period if it is satisfied that all relevant matters have been addressed and discussed.