Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by Nigel Tully MBE

Date submitted
9 May 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

As a local resident under part of the flight path I have all the usual concerns about increased noise, road traffic and pollution plus the impact on our national progress to net zero. But I wish to focus particularly on the shameful conflict of interest between Luton Borough Council as owner of Luton Airport and Luton Borough Council as the planning authority ruling on whether planning conditions have been or are being met. The airport has a consistent track record of failing to meet its planning conditions, and the planning department has a consistent track record of failing to enforce planning conditions or to take appropriate action when they are not met. This conflict of interest is undeclared and unmanaged and is frankly scandalous. I have no confidence that planning conditions associated with any expansion of the airport will be met, and no confidence that the council's planning department would try to enforce them. Unless the Examining Authority takes full account of this, the whole enquiry will be pointless.