Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by Marcus Carter-Adams

Date submitted
15 May 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I have numerous concerns about the proposed developments. 1. Site 8-08 from the Book of reference is less than 150m from my property. There's no indication what that space is going to be used for, and if as i expect that it is to be used as a storage site for the M1 roadworks, I'd love to see how the proposed area is suitable given the access point and small local road network isn't suitable for heavy goods vehicles. Primary access to that site is from a small gate aside Half Moon Lane, which, travelling down towards the A1081 is the primary route to get round to the motorway junction. This road is massively unsuitable for increased traffic as it is not wide enough for 2 lorries to meet each other on, and is a bus route used by many local elderly residents. 2. General disruption from works - roadworks in the area already cause large traffic issues due to the poor upkeep of some roads and rat-runs get very busy during peak times. Disruption caused by works to the M1 are unavoidable where we live and I fully accept that, however I'd like to see how the local roads will be protected throughout this process? 3. General disruption from increased passenger numbers - we live directly on the flight path. It's loud, fairly constant, and irritating. With increased passenger numbers, that will only increase, with disruption over a larger period of the day with early flights in the morning, and later flights in the evenings. 4. Rail disruption. As a commuting family into London, the rail network from Luton/Harpenden is already insufficient at peak times in the morning and early evening. Having read the travel documents, I can see no mitigation at all and can't find any reference to discussion with Thameslink/National Rail in order to increase the number of trains directly into London, in fact, most recently the number of these trains has decreased meaning early morning services are so packed that you sometimes can't get on. 5. Noise and continual disruption from works - the proposed plans are due to take place fairly consistently over the next 15 or so years; that's a huge amount of continual disruption to our way of life based upon noise from works, and travel disruption, finishing with continual disruption indefinitely from increased flights overheard. 6. Roadworks and the proposed M1 J10 expansion. Why this proposal is slated to be gradually increased across 3 phases I don't understand, if it's that much of a problem, do it all at once. I feel there's little need for a 3 lane approach northbound on the slip road is this is hardly ever busy, and the traffic lights at the top only add to any congestion. The removal of the southbound segregated slip road lane is also ridiculous as that's what 90% of the traffic uses given it's the only exit off the roundabout other than rejoining the southbound M1. All of the above, along with generally there being little to no need to expand the airport at all in the first place mean I'm strongly opposed to the application being granted.