Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by Susan Justice

Date submitted
24 May 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I live in Aldbury, near Tring, which is at least 10 miles in a straight line from Luton Airport, but the noise and visual intrusion from planes is disruptive to my peaceful enjoyment of my garden. I often hear planes, from my bedroom with windows closed, at 6 am even on Sundays. I can confirm that the planes were from or to Luton from plane tracking websites. The vapour trails overhead are ever-present and make the sunlight less clear and the sky duller. This indicates pollution from the planes’ exhausts are reaching the ground here. The constant droning of planes is a nuisance in Ashridge National Trust woodland right next to here also and must disturb many people’s outings to this Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. From my research I believe the airport has been breaching planning policy LLP6 re noise control. It was given permission to increase the number of passengers to 18 million gradually up to 2028, but I gather it had already reached that number before the pandemic. This was without the concomitant noise and fuel efficiency that should have been applied. Therefore, I object strongly to it being allowed a further increase. The authorities have negligently allowed the airport to expand excessively to the detriment of the quality of life, not just for the residents immediately surrounding the airport but also for those as far afield as where I live. Because expansion has been more rapid than permitted, the projected airspace redesign has not taken place and departing planes are flying lower for 15-20 miles so are more intrusive. There is no adequate carbon reduction plan included in the application, at a time when we are in a climate emergency. There is too much emphasis on economic growth as opposed to quality of life. The council could increase its prosperity and local jobs by diversifying into green and environmentally favourable projects rather than continually relying on the airport for its income.