Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by Colette Cook

Date submitted
24 May 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The increased noise pollution resulting from the expansion plans will be extremely detrimental to the health and wellbeing of residents living underneath the flight paths. It is widely recognised (World Health Organisation and others) that noise which disturbs and prevents people from achieving good quality, undisturbed sleep has a very negative impact on a persons quality of life. Under the proposed plans the increased number of flights arriving between 8pm and 2am will seriously affect both children and adults. To increase the number of flight arrivals to approx one every three minutes between 10pm and 11pm, and then one every ten minutes until 2am cannot be viewed as anything but prioritising financial gain above the welfare of the affected population. Having attended the previous consultations regarding the expansion plans, it is clear that none of the surrounding objecting Councils concerns regarding this subject have been addressed. In summer it will be near impossible for many residents to attain good quality sleep. With regard to environmental pollution, an increased number of flights will inevitable mean an increase in emissions. Under the plans, Luton Airport will not be able to enforce all airlines to use more modern airplanes which may be less polluting. The idea that incentivising airlines to update their fleet, is unlikely to have any short to medium term benefits due to the financial costs that would need to be borne by the airlines over a very long period, and during this time the health of residents again seems to be irrelevant. Even if emissions were reduced by more modern aircraft, an increased number of flights will not reduce overall emissions. Therefore the expansion plans should be refused, as this cannot possibly fit with Government plans to reduce emissions.