Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by Liliana Busuioc

Date submitted
29 May 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Good afternoon I trust that this message will finds you well I am not agreeing with the Luton Airport expansion proposal as the flights are having the landing route exactly over our house. An increase of number of flights will result in a increase of noise and I already have some personal sleep issues due the already existent noise and my husband is [REDACTED]. When analysing the application some other factors must be taken into conisderation, such us the welbeing of the people living in these area that will be affected by a protential increse of the numbers of flights. Therefore as I already mentioned, I personaly cannot accept the application as the increse of the sound will afect my sleeping, therefore my whole life will be affected. I hope that my personal position will be taken into consideration. Kind regards, Liliana Busuioc