Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by Stephen Roy Howard

Date submitted
29 May 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I strongly disagree with the plans to extend Luton Airport. One major concern is POLLUTION – Luton’s pollution levels are already high and as a person [Redacted], my symptoms have got worse over the years due to the increase capacity of the airport, iam now on [Redacted]. I noticed a significant decrease in [Redacted] after the last increase in the airports capacity especially during the summer, to the extent I am unable to sit in my garden when the planes come over my house to land because of the noise and extra pollutions the engines pump out during landing. There will be an initial increase in pollution from the works being carried out, on completion the number of flight into and out off Luton airport will have to increase (night flight ). This will increase the amount of pollution. Hydrogen engines are still a good few years away for the mainline airlines and will take even longer to get to the budget airlines flying from Luton, pollution levels are only going to go up not down for the seeable future. Children are particularly susceptible to pollution and there are a number of local schools under the flight path and in close proximity - this needs to be considered. NOISE -. Sundays and Bank Holiday weekends are already very noisy with plans flying over - you are not able to have a normal conversation - we are being constantly interrupted by plane noise. In summer when we sleep with the windows open we are also regularly awoken by planes flying over. The noise of the planes flying over the schools will also regularly disrupt the classes. SAFETY - With more planes flying over it increases the risk of a major incident. Luton and the surrounding area is very built up with the M1 motorway, homes, schools and parks all under the flight path. NUISANCE - There will be a huge increase in passengers driving to the airport, (the trains are not reliable enough for people to use when they need to catch a flight) - it just needs one car to breakdown or a road traffic accident and all the traffic will end up being diverted down Cutenhoe Road and other nearby residential roads which are not built to take the increase in traffic and wil create major traffic jams. The Council is struggling to maintain the road infrastructure with the present amount of traffic. There is already a parking issue in Cutenhoe Road created by the airport where passengers park their cars for free in the road as it is advertised on a website [Redacted] This whole scheme is just a money making operation for Luton Council (Luton Rising) who are not taking into account the health and wellbeing of the Luton Residents.