Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by Emmi Clark

Date submitted
29 May 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The impact of the expansion on myself and my children will be an increase of noise pollution, air pollution and sleep deprivation. At the moment planes wake us up during the early hours around 3am, especially when they have misjudged the runway and blast their engines to gain height again. And again around 6am. This I fear will become more of a problem once the capacity of planes increase. During the day I work from home, in meetings the planes can be heard, I have to keep my windows closed, in the summer it is sweltering, how will I manage with the increase of planes flying overhead. The quality of the air is becoming thick with fumes, not only from the planes but the traffic coming to the airport. As the roads are widened my journey from work becomes longer and affecting my well being. Cars park in the road I live in and the surrounding roads blocking parking to our houses. These cars belong to passengers of the airport. The traffic coming into and out of the village of caddington is increasing, this impacts on the countryside and animals. The way of village life is being impacted. I am unable to sit in the garden and have a conversation with friends due to the airtraffic, the planes fly so low, are so noisy, the impact of doubling the capacity will mean the windows and doors having to be closed even in the summer with better sound proofing. More costs for me. The expansion will cause great anxiety and reduce the ability to sleep soundly and for this we must be compensated so the house can be sound proofed as much as possible. The impact on the wildlife will be huge and this must be considered maybe funding for a sanctuary to care for injures animals and releasing. I am against the expansion due to all of the points above. I am directly in flight path, I do not want to give up my home but as a family we need quality of life and this will be hugely impacted by the expansion and increased capacity of the Airport.