Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by Ian Chilvers

Date submitted
31 May 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I oppose the expansion plans for the following reasons. - Additional noise, air & environmental pollutions generated by additional aircraft - Additional noise, air & environmental pollutions generated by additional vehicles, transportation - The road infrastructure isn't big enough to support the increase, for example wigmore lane. Asda only needs to hiccup and the road is at a stand still already. - The loss of park land goes against the governments green policy. - The increase in fuel usage for aircraft, etc also goes against the governments better green policies. - The loss of park land will impact the environment and wildlife in the area. - The additional concerns that the area is built on landfill and already there is a strong smell from previous bore holes already drilled on wigmore valley park - The additional concerns that the park land has been undisturbed since WWII and there could be unexploded devices, more environmental concerns there also - The devaluation of property during the construction phases and then afterwards because of noise and air pollutions. - The concern of cramped air space with flight paths being so close to Stansted. - People already dumping their cars in the housing estates nearby due to parking costs will only get worse. - The impact on the water table and natural drainage of the area is an added concern. Since covid flight passengers have been at an all time low. With the cost of gas & electric, NI, the cost of living, government recouping furlough costs, etc more and more people will most likely holiday in the UK (assuming they can afford to holiday) and therefore I can't see the flight numbers returning to old levels, net alone new levels. I think council / government funding would be better spent elsewhere. Especially as I can't see how your new plans fit with the governments green policies and being carbon natural.