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Representation by Luton Sixth Form College (Luton Sixth Form College)

Date submitted
1 June 2023
Submitted by
Non-statutory organisations

Dear Examining Authority, As a representative of Luton Sixth Form College, I would like to express our views on the main issues and impacts regarding the proposed expansion of London Luton Airport. We believe it is essential to emphasise the positive aspects and potential benefits this expansion could bring to our college community and the wider region. Firstly, we acknowledge that the expansion of London Luton Airport has generated concerns within various stakeholder groups. However, we firmly believe that this development presents significant opportunities for our students, staff, and the local community. The following points outline our perspective on the main issues and impacts associated with the expansion: a) Educational Opportunities: The growth of London Luton Airport is expected to generate increased demand for a skilled workforce in aviation-related sectors. This expansion would create new avenues for collaboration between Luton Sixth Form College and the airport, facilitating internships, work placements, and apprenticeship programs. Our students would benefit from practical experience, exposure to industry professionals, and enhanced career prospects. b) Economic Growth: The proposed expansion is anticipated to boost the regional economy, leading to increased job opportunities and prosperity for the local community. This growth would create a positive environment for our students, providing them with a greater chance of securing employment within the aviation industry upon completing their studies. c) Infrastructure Development: With the expansion of London Luton Airport, there is the potential for improvements to infrastructure in the surrounding area. This could include enhanced transport links, such as the development of new road networks and improved public transportation options. These improvements would not only benefit airport users but also facilitate easier access to our college for students and staff. d) Environmental Considerations: While it is important to address the environmental concerns associated with airport expansion, we appreciate the efforts made by London Luton Airport to minimize their ecological footprint. We encourage further investments in sustainable initiatives, such as renewable energy generation, energy-efficient buildings, and carbon offset programs. By prioritising environmental responsibility, the airport can serve as a model for sustainable development in the aviation industry. As the oldest, one of the largest specialist sixth form college in the country and the top performing in the area, we firmly believe in embracing opportunities for growth and progress. The proposed expansion of London Luton Airport aligns with our commitment to preparing our students for the challenges and opportunities of the future. We are optimistic that the potential positive impacts, including educational opportunities, economic growth, infrastructure development, and environmental considerations, will outweigh any concerns raised. We trust that our feedback provides valuable insight into the perspective of our college community and its stakeholders. If required, we are more than willing to engage in further discussions or provide additional information to support our stance. Thank you for considering our views. We remain confident that the decision-makers will carefully weigh the benefits and concerns associated with the London Luton Airport Expansion and make an informed choice that ensures the best outcomes for all parties involved.