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Representation by Luton BID (Luton BID)

Date submitted
2 June 2023
Submitted by
Non-statutory organisations

To Whom It May Concern, This letter is on behalf of Luton Business Improvement District (Luton BID) in support of the application submission for the long-term sustainable growth at the airport. Luton BID is a not-for-profit company that has been set up and is run by businesses in Luton Town Centre. The Luton BID’s vision is to: ‘support business growth and investment in the town centre and build pride, loyalty and positive perceptions of Luton as a whole’. Luton BID represents over 900 businesses in Luton Town Centre from many sectors, including leisure, retail, health and beauty, evening economy and professional services. There is a Board of Directors who represent the various sectors and organisations in the Town Centre, they oversee the strategic direction of the BID ensuring the BID performs its role effectively. Luton Airport plays a vital role in the health of the Luton economy and the town’s ability to attract skilled people, businesses and investors, supporting the BIDs Vision. The proposal for a second terminal will lead to further investment into the Town and Town Centre. Since 1998, Luton Rising has contributed £287 million to frontline council services and is the most socially impactful of all UK airports. As the ownership of the airport is one which is vested in the Community, it also provides an important funding resource for Luton. Luton Town Centre has benefitted from multiple community events where Luton Rising has been the key funder - giving people a reason to visit the Town Centre in turn supporting businesses. In many cases, without this additional funding, these events would not have been able to go ahead. The additional revenue from the expansion will also mean more funding for Luton Council to deliver more services to the town and the communities within it. The airport serves almost 18 million passengers a year, supports 27,000 jobs (over 10,000 from Luton) and delivers £1.8 billion economic activity for the UK GDP, and is recognised as one of the most significant and important players in Luton’s economy. The new terminal 2 would enable passengers to increase to 32 million, delivering 4800 extra jobs in Luton. The increase in passengers would naturally increase the levels of overnight stays in Luton and therefore visitors into the town. The airport expansion will also help to boost the profile of Luton and should attract more businesses with improved international connectivity. These benefits all serve to support the BID’s vision and objectives.