Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by Martin Hunt

Date submitted
3 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

This part of town cannot cope with the massive increase in passengers. The plans to put in multiple sets of traffic lights and to dual carriage way parts of Wigmore Lane will cause massive issues to the local population trying to get on and off their estates with the increase of traffic expected. The digging up of Wigmore Park which is an old land fill site will expose residents to a whole manor of unpleasant pollutants that have been buried there for many years not mentioning the fact it will be digging up a well used local park. Has the airport with its single quite short runway got the capacity to increase numbers, there are already quite a few go-arounds with incoming aircraft unable to land as there is an aircraft on the runway. The pollution itself from the aircraft will also be a major issue, yes there was an airport here when i moved to this location, yes i knew there would be the associated pollution to living close to an airport BUT that has already increased massively and will only get worse. Aircraft are quieter, more fuel efficient BUT the smell of rubber from landing aircraft when the wind is in the wrong direction will increase with more aircraft, the noise of APU's on stand will increase even the GPU's emit a low droning noise VERY audible on a summers night with the windows open.