Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by Wendy Campbell-Maughan

Date submitted
5 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The increase that has been proposed is far to much and will ruin people’s lives and the countryside and will be ruined. On top of that, local houses, where I live, will be financially hit badly as prices will drop because of the above problems. Who wants to live in a noisy, polluted and ruined countryside which is not the reason most people moved to Breachwood Green and surrounding areas, in the first place many of us 20 or 30 years ago when the airport was very small. This will make being outside impossible. A thing of beauty is a joy forever! Not in this case. It will lead to reduction in house prices in the area where I live. - COUNTRYSIDE / ENVIRONMENT - loss of habitat, loss of Wigmore, the roads becoming rat races (where I live) - the roads are too narrow to take more traffic, there has already been two cars I know about that have turned over going up the banks. Increase in carbon emissions from the increased flight numbers. - Lack of down time. - NOISE - unhealthy increase in constant noise from early flights and late flights (increase in 70% at night). - NOISE INSULATION SCHEME - is not flexible enough, the offering is old fashioned and inadequate and is no mitigation to being able to sit in the garden. 32 million passengers is not acceptable.