Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by Sophia Blackburn

Date submitted
5 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I reject the application for LLA to be expanded for the following reasons that hugely impact me and my family: Noise that will be created over Harpenden in the huge increase in aircraft 50% more flights by day, 70% more flights at night: unreasonable. We live in this area as its rural, this is just causing more noise pollution. Pollution - caused by those increased flights and reduction in air quality. Will my future children be safe? Habitat - loss of valuable habitat - with Wigmore wildlife sight being sacrificed and the building on the land right up to where the old Fox Pub was where there will be multi storey car parks. We are meant to protect our species not endanger them! Traffic - increase in traffic in the country lanes, the traffic in Harpenden, especially when the M1 has an accident and is shut. When the M1 is shut it is already a nightmare, this will be worse! Lets not even get started on the fact our pot holed roads are bad, let alone with this too. Trains / commuting - increase in passengers on the trains - the trains are already packed and can't get a seat when they turn up. Today on the radio they announced the strikes will go on for many years. That will lead to the roads being jammed packed also. HOw can the trains possibly take more passengers. I struggle to get on for work as it is!