Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by Cherry Newbery

Date submitted
8 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The proposed vast increase in additional traffic and the pollution it brings with it, not only from passengers, but also from heavy commercial vehicles will affect my family's health and way of life and that of thousands of other residents. Even with Vauxhall Way being extended the majority of drivers now use sat.nav and the additional traffic travelling from the East of England will automatically be directed by sat.nav onto Wigmore Lane a local residential road, with shops, this road is already very congested with local traffic. Plans may look good, but seeing is believing. The additional traffic will pass either Queen Elizabeth school or Wigmore and Someries school, bringing more pollution, there is also the already excessive traffic at school drop off and pick up times to consider. The plans that I have seen show 11 sets of traffic lights in Wigmore- presently we don't have any, consider the additional chaos this would bring and the frustration and problems caused to residents. The proposed Eaton Green Link Road clearly goes against the Luton Local Plan that was adopted in 2017. It appears that whilst I always considered the Luton local Plan to be our ' bible' to protect residents, it is simply disregarded when it doesn't suit Luton Council. I understand that the 'old tip' will need to be removed and that some 36 meters (?) in depth of the tip is involved, how safe can that be with local houses now close by and the distinct possibility of ammunition etc. from local factories during world war two being dumped at the tip. The proposal is to increase the airport's capacity to 32 million, how can a small Borough like Luton, which is hemmed in on all sides possibly accomodate that number of passengers in a restricted area in size - we are already at bursting point.It is said that the DART could take 20% of passengers - that is still to be proven- (6.4 million) that still leaves 25.6 million passengers travelling into the heart of residential areas all over Luton. Luton Council are already trying to destroy a park in Wigmore, Wandon Park - which should be protected by the LLP - and now it plans to to destroy much of our beautiful Wigmore Park and with it a County Wildlife Site. Where is the consideration for family life and the the flora and wildlife that we know are so very important if we are to save this planet of ours. The application does not replace Wigmore Park within the Borough so therefore, as with Wandon Park the replacement cannot count as Luton Open Space- more green space lost to the detriment of the health of residents who live in the Borough. At our home we can regularly smell aviation fuel, particually in the Summer when windows and doors are open, we have also been disturbed by night flights. Of major concern must be the financing of this huge project, Luton Council are already very heavily in debt to the Government with all its loans. The DART was some £200m over budget and nearly two years behind schedule- what of this major project ? Will the Council run out of money before it is finished and what will become of communities and our town them ? Thank you for taking the time to consider my objection.