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Representation by Keech Hospice Care (Keech Hospice Care)

Date submitted
8 June 2023
Submitted by
Non-statutory organisations

Keech Hospice Care is delighted to learn that Luton Rising has submitted its application for the long-term sustainable growth of the airport. It is therefore timely that we take this opportunity to express our gratitude for the support we have received and acknowledge the benefit our patients and families have also received from the Luton Rising business and social enterprise. We have a strong history of working together, and this is because our objectives and values closely align. We express our firm support for Luton Rising’s objectives, and its application for development consent. Keech Hospice Care has been providing care for children and adults across Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire and Milton Keynes for over 30 years. We support both children and adults with life-limiting illnesses and their family and friends. Last year we cared for over 2,500 people. We have recently written a new three year strategy, and our refreshed strategic goals include reaching everyone in our community who needs us, a hospice for everyone. We have also increased our efforts to improve our digital and innovation capabilities alongside a strong aim of being more sustainable, this mirrors Luton Rising’s own ‘The Green Controlled Growth’ proposals which will ensure that any future growth will be sustainable. This combined with our laser focus on financial health will see us through the next three years. It is clear our future objectives and vision align. We have been connected to Luton Rising since May 2013 and it has supported our charity with funds but also with a clear aim of raising awareness for our purpose. We have received donations both directly and through Luton Rising funds managed by others every second year since this time. The most recent donation was through the Bedfordshire and Luton Community Foundation Stability Fund. This fund aims to help charitable organisations in Bedfordshire and Luton recover from the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. The fund offered financial stability over a period of 2 years to established charitable organisations, which already had a clear track record in delivering services locally and had the capacity to adapt/enhance their services in response to the current and longer term impacts of Covid-19. We received £15,000 to continue with work in our children’s services which had to considerably adapt and change post-pandemic. This funding finished in April 2023. During the Covid-19 pandemic Luton Rising exceeded their initial commitment to Keech Hospice Care, and the town, through their support of our art trail. Working with other donors in Luton, the specific donations from Luton Rising, totalling £40,000, meant we were able to deliver a free art exhibition to all Luton residents, covering 7km of outside space so that health and wellbeing could be enhanced during a time when many of us felt isolated. All of the funds from Luton Rising have been for our core work, this is essential for us, as it enables us to continue to provide care when it matters the most. Luton Rising’s support of the voluntary sector and enabling our reach into communities could not be more important. It is without doubt our communities and the people we care for would be worse-off without the ever-benevolent presence of the airport and Luton Rising. The business objective of increasing the amount of financial support provided to voluntary, community and charitable organisations in Luton, could not be more needed. With current increases in the cost of living we know that the cost of running a voluntary organisation will rise. This report: The Road Ahead 2023: The ongoing impact of the cost of living / NCVO describes some of the challenges we may face. Luton Rising have identified how there is the potential for their charitable contributions to increase by an additional £13m per year by the mid-2040s, almost three times the amount it was able to donate in 2020. This continued funding opportunity will make a huge difference to the service Keech Hospice Care can plan for and aim to provide. The increase in jobs created by this proposal will have a positive impact on our patients, no one should die in poverty and currently in the UK 10 people every hour die in poverty. Having a good and stable job will enable people and their carers to experience a better and more dignified life and death. Keech Hospice Care has responded positively to the previous consultations. The proposal has been shared with my Chair of Trustees. Keech Hospice Care is supportive of the proposal to grow the airport and of the objectives of Luton Rising.