Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by Jane Susan Anne Spendley

Date submitted
9 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I object very strongly to Luton Rising's application to increase passenger numbers from 18mmpa (Joke, it is already greater than this) to up to 32mppa. I have lived here since 2006, and the rate of increase in flights since that time has been phenomenal. There has been very little concern or appreciation of our complaints at the many open days that have been run by the operating company. I didn't hear anyone when I attended who agreed with the various increases in numbers. I believe these meetings to be a paper exercise to meet legal or recommended requirements! I know that the airport operators have failed to control the passenger numbers even within their previously approved movement numbers. This should have been from 14 MMPA to 18 million by 2027. Last year 2022, LLAL already exceeded that number to 19mmpa. Luton Rising promptly put in a variation to their existing application with Luton Council, to increase the requested number of passenger movements to include the extra traffic. This application was referred to the government inspectorate and the hearing was in September 2022. We are yet to be advised of their decision on this application, yet here we are with a DCO for up to 32MPPA, along with major infrastructure additions. The operators do not control movements as they should, now, whatever will it be like if this DCO is approved? Night flights are particularly intrusive. Incoming flights between 11pm and 2.30 am at this time of year, (summer) are plentiful. Our apartment is on the first floor, and is situated directly under the flight path, approximately 2 miles from the landing strip. The late arrivals are interfering with my sleep, which in turn affects my wellbeing. Very rarely do I get an unbroken night's sleep. In 2019, I was quite unwell, with difficulty breathing. I am convinced this is a direct result of pollution from air traffic. It is accepted that aircraft are the greatest polluters, I cannot fathom how Luton Rising can include lower emissions in their proposal. The airport operators offer financial support to their immediate neighbours, to insulate our homes against noise (only certain windows though): this will not stop pollution, and what am I expected to do in the summer months, when the weather is hot? If I open my windows and balcony door, I struggle to breathe and cannot hear my TV or radio, telephone conversations or neighbours who stop to speak to me. This is severely restricting my health and my way of life. I am very concerned with safety. I live too close to the landing strip not to worry about congestion there. Regularly aircraft fly above our home, and then suddenly throttle up to go round, as there is another aircraft still on the runway. Recently, there were three such incidents at the same time. One aircraft on the runway taking off, and three trying to come in to land, one of which was the enormous DHL aircraft. The noise was phenomenal. The aircraft movements reported by the operators are amortised over 12 months. I do not believe there is reporting, to my knowledge anyway, that shows the summer movements exclusively. I would expect this to greatly change the promoted picture. I have already objected to the previous application to increase passenger numbers to 19 million, this would only make an approval for the already increased movements. The government inspectorate called this application in for review, and before the result was known this DCO was submitted to the government for approval. This is so underhand I am totally disgusted with the way both the council and Luton Rising are behaving. I cannot profess to be familiar with the type of aircraft that use the airport, I just know that they are all noisy, especially Ryanair, and far too frequent. I am not aware of any report which discloses private aircraft movements, these planes are extremely frequent and often do not stay within the correct swathe. I beg you to refuse this application and ask you to investigate how all this has been managed. Finally, there are many other airports in this vicinity, Heathrow, London City, Est Midlands and Stansted. Stansted movements come this way too, their holding and arrival patterns are very close to those the Luton use, exacerbating our issues, and again giving me concern as to safety. I know the aircraft control tower members are excellent at managing flight movements, but I have "flight radar24" on my iPad, and there are times when my heart is in my mouth when I watch it. Again, please consider the lifestyle of the airport's neighbours and refuse this application. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to air my worries. Jane Spendley (Mrs)