Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by Martin Lovatt Rosser

Date submitted
12 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Luton Airport objection The application’s rationale and outcome, if successful, is appalling and objected to vehemently. Instead of the airport operator’s acceptance of the post Covid need to ‘build back better’, it wants to ‘build back worse’ on all criteria: climate change, air pollution, day and night noise, road congestion and cumulatively the seriously detrimental impact on local quality of life. The ‘Luton Rising’ application is apposite, as it means rising levels of: • Noise, we are already bombarded during the day and also subject to highly disruptive night flights. There should be no aeroplane take-off’s after 22:00h until 6:00am. A decent night’s sleep should be a human right. • Detrimental impact on local quality of life. • Deleterious impact on the mental and physical health for those affected by a massive increase in highly disruptive noise and pollution. • Air pollution, both from aeroplanes and road traffic. • Traffic congestion around the airport on motorway, A, B roads and country lane shortcuts/rat runs. • Duplicity: in 2012, the airport said growth to 18 million passengers by 2028 would be sufficient to support jobs and the local economy. • Hypocrisy: Luton Borough Council should heed its own Climate Emergency declaration and plan for a viable future. • Dependency for Luton and surrounding area on an even more dominant industry rather than diversification into/expansion of other industries with positive green credentials. • Exporting more money overseas on cheap flights.