Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by Lesley Jane Townend

Date submitted
12 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am a part owner, with one of my children, who resides at [REDACTED]. I object to the proposed expansion of Luton airport, which almost doubles the annual passenger numbers, for the following reasons: There will be an increase in noise and air pollution from the near doubling of flights at a time when the country is trying to become greener. All those living in Luton will have the enjoyment of their homes seriously curtailed by noise and make their gardens and parks no-go zones. Those living close by have been warned by the consultation that they will suffer increased noise and will have the opportunity to seek compensation. There is no monetary compensation large enough for damaged health. Noise pollution is as unhealthy for humans as air pollution, but generally ignored. I am unconvinced that there is a demand. If the number of flights in and out of the country is restricted, it restricts the pollution. Despite best efforts to get passengers to use public transport, there will be an increase in those parking at the airport, which will add to the burden of traffic around Luton and on the M1, which presently can't cope at busy periods. This also adds to noise and air pollution. There will be an increase in road traffic accidents adding to the burden on Luton A&E. Any other business in Luton will suffer as congestion will suffocate it. Luton will just become an airport hub; no-one will visit for any other reason. Although it may only be for one season, Luton FC is now in the premier league, which will add to road congestion on home fixture days. This should be monitored to give an indication of what it will be like to expand the airport.