Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by Zeki Gurbuz

Date submitted
12 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Object to Proposal As a resident living close to the site of the proposed expansion, I am deeply concerned that the proposed expansion will have serious negative impact on our standard of living, quality of life and on our town’s environment. The proposed expansion should be rejected. The expansion brings 1. Irreparably damage to the local environment and severe negative impact on our quality of life for generations to come. The aircraft noise is unbearable as it stands, with the noise not only from flying aircraft but also on the ground operational activities, taxiing and takeoff. Combined with damage to the environment and poor quality of air caused by more aircraft, is a serious threat to our health. 2. Immensely increased traffic and congestion in our already crowded town, which has huge issues as it stands with through traffic for Luton and its surrounding villages. The expansion would put huge traffic congestion to our already crowded streets. Peak hour and school traffic already puts immense pressure on traffic starting from Kinsbourne Green through to the High Street where our limited roads are struggling to handle the volume of traffic we have, and adding a large new expansion would only make the problem worse. This would not only be a major inconvenience for us residents but will also have serious safety implications. The expansion would see hundreds of this cars utilise out local roads, especially when there is congestion on the M1, creating daily gridlock and increase serious accidents within this overburdened area, whilst also significantly increasing pollution in our small town. 3. Cause significant risk for the wellbeing of our children and residents alike. The expansion not only create lots of extra through traffic, but would also take a long period to complete, and we would see a huge increase in the number of trucks, vans and other heavy trade vehicles through our town, again which would lead to more congestion and more importantly health and safety issues in our local environment. 4. Lead to increased pressure on public transport. Harpenden residents already struggle to get a seat on peak hour trains and adding such a large development expansion to the airport would put more pressure on public transport that is already under strain. Finally, I am concerned about the impact this development would have on our town's character and sense of community. One of the things that makes our town special is its small-town charm and unique character. Building a large airport would fundamentally change the character of our town, have detrimental effects on our health, wellbeing and peaceful enjoyment of our life. On these and other grounds, I sincerely hope that you act on our behalf and reject the progression of this proposed expansion.