Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by William Jenkins-Greig

Date submitted
12 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The proposed project would nearly double passenger numbers at Luton Airport, taking them from 18 million per year to 32 million per year. This cannot possibly be justified at a time when the UK is meant to be taking a lead on decarbonising the economy. It is totally inconsistent with the UK's net zero commitment. Many businesses - such as the major international law firm where I work - are rightly encouraging their people to avoid air travel whenever possible and to use greener modes of transport, such as trains, instead. As a local resident, I also know that the social and environmental impact of this proposed airport expansion would be disastrous. The pressure on the region's roads, and particularly those leading to the airport itself, is already intense and would become intolerable. The huge increase in road traffic would also exacerbate the local environmental impact that will inevitably result from the massive increase in the number of flights in and out of the airport. As well as the unacceptable increase in air pollution for the local area, the project will also hugely increase noise pollution, including at night and in the early morning. Moreover, the proposed changes to flight paths that will result from the expansion of the airport will ensure that many more people, including in local towns such as Harpenden where I live, will suffer unacceptable noise pollution. In summary, this proposal cannot be justified either on a macro level or a micro level. It is wrong for the country and wrong for the local area and it must be stopped.