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Representation by Datchworth Parish Council (Datchworth Parish Council)

Date submitted
13 June 2023
Submitted by
Parish councils

Datchworth Parish Council supports the position of LANACAN (Luton and District Association for the Control of Aircraft Noise) and other objecting organisations in resisting developments which would increase passenger numbers beyond that already agreed and approved. The current proposal represents a significant expansion in operations which is likely to have severe repercussions to the detriment of the quality of life of those living in the vicinity of flightpaths and exacerbating noise nuisance. There is real concern regarding the potential environmental impact of such airport expansion and in particular with the inevitable associated air and noise pollution, and impact on quality of life and countryside. DPC is aware of the potential advantages of the scheme in terms of additional employment generation, investment opportunities and economic growth. However, the planning balance is such that the environmental drawbacks arising would outweigh any defined benefits of the scheme.