Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by Mary Ternouth

Date submitted
13 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I strongly object to an increase in maximum passenger numbers. Noise from aircraft departing from Luton airport already affects my quality of life detrimentally - a further massive increase in the number of flights would severely exacerbate the following: • Being unable to carry on a conversation in the garden or street because of recurring aircraft noise • Being awoken around 6 am by a succession of low flying aircraft, despite having fitted triple glazing • Being unable to enjoy peace in my own garden, interrupted at peak times by noisy flights every two minutes at low altitude travelling west to east over this heavily populated part of St Albans I found the submitted documents hard to navigate as an ordinary non-technical person but, for example, the Noise and Vibration figures put forward as part of 5.03 Environmental Statement do not even show the areas of Marshalswick and Jersey Farm in St Albans, yet we are heavily impacted because ATC consistently vector departing aircraft travelling east over our area due, presumably to volume of air traffic. Aircraft departing northwards from Heathrow also regularly overfly this area from south-north, compounding the problem. Notes of Site Visits 23 May and 6 June – I think these took place during a much less characteristic period when an easterly wind was blowing. At such times, we do have a temporary respite. Luton Rising consistently breached their conditions previously. We were assured by Luton Rising that the newer aircraft being brought into use over the last few years would be quieter. This is not the case. Faced by the evidence of more extreme weather conditions, is it really true that the carbon emissions of aircraft ( and massively increased numbers of these ) do not count against Net Zero once they have taken off?