Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by Breachwood Green Baptist Church (Breachwood Green Baptist Church)

Date submitted
13 June 2023
Submitted by
Non-statutory organisations

The Sunday morning services at Breachwood Green Baptist Church are already interrupted by flights from Luton airport. It becomes impossible to hear what is being said so it is necessary to pause what is going on until the planes have gone over. If flights are increased it will impact further on the quality and enjoyment of our worship. Flights also disrupt normal conversations being held at our Coffee Clubs and meetings. We cannot install any form of sound proofing as the church is a Grade II listed building. It is extremely distressing during funeral services, burials and internments of ashes when there is a constant stream of aircraft taking off and landing. There is never any time period when events could be held without noise disruption and this will only get much worse if the capacity of the airport is increased.