Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by Claire Bevan

Date submitted
13 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I live in Studham and live directly under the flight path. I have two very young children and I do not want the airport expansion to go ahead. We are already constantly disturbed day and night by the noise pollution of the planes overhead - which would almost double if the planning is approved. Further to this I am concerned about the air pollution impact on their young lungs, which of course also affects everyone who lives in the area, the local wildlife and even the animals at the zoo. Finally, I can not believe an airport expansion is even being considered when the government have made commitment to the Paris agreement and we know we need to cut emissions for the benefit of the planet, not just the residents who are immediately affected by this proposal. I would urge the reviewers to look at the long term, bigger picture and realise that this is not a viable option. We need to create jobs in sustainable industries - not aviation.