Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by Friends of Wigmore Park (Friends of Wigmore Park)

Date submitted
13 June 2023
Submitted by
Non-statutory organisations

Options available during consultations had already been rejected. Proposed breach of the Luton Local Plan adopted in 2017, that bans the use of Eaton Green Road to provide access to Century Park or the Airport, except for public transport, cyclists, pedestrians and in case of emergency. The planned use of residential roads to facilitate access to the airport from the east rather than providing a dedicated bypass. The planned installation of 7 sets of traffic lights in the ward of Wigmore to replace 7 roundabouts plus 3 additional sets for new road junctions when Wigmore has no traffic lights at present. The applicant makes no mention of Satellite Navigation Systems, which all choose a different route from the mitigated route to get to and from the A505 and the East of England due to the breach of the Luton Local Plan. The planned destruction of most of the award winning Wigmore Park and all of its County Wildlife Site. That most the replacement Wigmore Park is in Hertfordshire and not Luton so cannot be counted as Luton Open Space. The proposal will see 1,152,000m2 of vegetation clearance and 82,000m2 of mature tree clearance. Many people will live too far to benefit from the replacement Wigmore Park, due to the distance required to walk to it. The plans include areas of hedge restoration on land that is not owned by Luton Rising or under the planning authority of Luton Borough Council. Much if this land is subject to other planning applications. While the application makes reference to a net zero airport it is not committed to net zero aircraft only using the airport. Under these proposals aircraft pollution will rise. Despite living outside the noise contour lines many residents in Wigmore and Vauxhall Park are kept awake or woken by aircraft movements overnight. This application proposes more noise and more disturbance. Residents can have prolonged periods of smelling aviation fuel. This will get worse. The application offers no proposals or solutions regarding a lack of East-West public transport. The plans include increasing car parking spaces by of over 56%. The unregulated landfill site borders residential homes, which needs to be disturbed or removed. During 2019 Luton Rising moved orchids to new sites due to soil testing. They all died despite advice and guidance of Luton Borough Council’s Senior Ecological Officer. We have no faith that any future moves will be any more successful. A plan shows a possible enlarged residential parking scheme due to passengers and staff avoiding airport car parks. No mention is made who will fund it. In 2020 the directors of Luton Rising acted against the public interest by refusing to declare an interest and voted against a proposal at full council that Luton Rising or the Airport Operator should pay for it. The motion was defeated meaning the residents had to fund a scheme only required due to the airport. One of the finance proposals is that Luton Rising raises finance to fund expansion. In 2019/2020 Luton Rising lost £3.3m. In 2020/2021 the company lost £110m. In 2021/2022 the 12 month loses came to £232.1m. The auditors stated that they have put an impairment on the Dart of £184.7m as unrecoverable. The directors of Luton Rising are appointed councillors with no special talents in running the loss making company. The role of the directors is to exercise independent judgement and to exercise reasonable care, skill and diligence. This has not happened. Luton Rising debts stand close to £500m. Any more borrowing could result in financial disaster for the town's taxpayers.