Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by John West

Date submitted
14 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

We have lived in the property since Feb 2015, just over 8 years. When we purchased the property, we were fully aware of its proximity to the airport and that the flight path goes over the house and garden and that at that time the airport was within its current expansion plan to take passenger numbers up to 18 million, over a period of 15 years up to 2028. It is now 2023 and Luton Rising is requesting to expand up to 32 million passengers, which in our view as a family who live directly under the flight path in a property that is at the end of the runway and have this 365 days a year with no respite will be very damageing to our environment, health and property, so please find enclosed the following reasons for our views and objection to the expansion plans. • The airport does not currently comply with the noise levels. • The airport does not currently comply to the flying hours. We regularly hear plans taking off and landing outside of the 2200 & 0559. • The airport does not comply with the percentage of take off over the village. • The new aircraft engines 321neo are no quieter than the original 321. • The impact on our living environment will be horrendous. We can not have windows or doors open in the hotter times of the year due to the noise already. • With Widows or doors open, when a plane goes over we can not hear ourselves speaking or hear the TV or radio now. With the proposal, this will only increase further and we will never be able to enjoy anytime with widows or doors open, becoming imprisoned in our own home. • The number of flights a day increase will make living in this house very difficult. • We have lived here for over 8 years, and we have only been contacted once, about 7 and half years ago regarding noise insulation, with the firm being very dismissive and very unhelpful or willing to listen to our needs. The offering was very limited, which considering how close we live to the airport and directly under the flight path is appalling. We have had no help from the airport at all. • Part of the proposal is to increase the flight time windows to earlier in the morning and later into the evening to increase this capacity of passengers, without any concern to the local residence and the inconvenience this will cause. • Our health, sleep disturbance and mental wellbeing will be greatly affected by this expansion with the number of flights that are planned. • The pollution impact on our outside space and health will be greatly affected. • The proposed number of flights per hour will become mentally and physically impossible to live with, and because we live directly under the flight path and the planes are so close to us on landing or take off we will never get any respite. This will be 365 days a year. • The level of vibration to the house will greatly increase. • The new car park already build has become a massive light pollutant. At night this car park is a massive source of light which are on constantly throughout the night. The proposal has another car park to be build on the Wigmore Park end further increasing the light pollutant. The use of the local roads will greatly increasing with the huge increase of proposed passenger numbers, with satnav using the fastest or shortest routes and not taking people on the main roads as per the proposal. • The value of our home will be greatly affected by this expansion, now and in the future, it will be far harder to sell the property.