Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by Anina Phillippa Castle

Date submitted
15 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am very concerned about the proposed expansion of Luton Airport at all, but I understand stand this is well in advance of a 15 year agreement. The proposed increase in flights will badly affect me and my family. I get very depressed and tearful at the thought of this and cannot believe my wellbeing is of no concern to anyone. I am particularlyconcerned about the increase in noise pollution and general environmental pollution which will result. The proposed increase in night flights is not acceptable. We have secondary double glazing, but cannot sleep with the windows closed all year round and find the current level of noise intrusive and prevents us from sleeping properly. There is already a plane which goes over at about 04.00 before the main flights begin at around 06.00, which wake us up. The idea of more planes going overhead day and night is very depressing. When we sit in the garden we can barely hear ourselves speak now, let alone of there are to be yet more flights. We have lived here for 29 years and have seen and had to put up with an ever increasing number of flights which has encroached on our lives. I really cannot believe we are going to be further affected. Added to this, I understand that a council cannot legally own or run an airport. However, I understand, to get round this, a company has been set up, the directors of which are the councillors! How can this be legal? To whom are they accountable? I feel that people affected by these plans are pawns in a political and money grabbing scam.