Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by Oliver Clarke

Date submitted
15 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am writing to express my strong objection to the proposed expansion of London Luton Airport. Firstly, I believe that this expansion goes against our climate change policies and targets. At a time when we should be taking urgent action to reduce our carbon emissions, expanding an airport and increasing the number of flights is a step in the wrong direction. Secondly, the expansion will put a huge amount of strain on the local infrastructure in North Hertfordshire, particularly Hitchin and Harpenden. The increase in passenger numbers will lead to increased traffic congestion on our roads, putting additional pressure on our already overstretched transport networks. Thirdly, the increase in overnight flights will be extremely disruptive to residents and wildlife in the local area around the flightpath. The noise pollution from these flights will disturb the sleep of residents, affecting their health and well-being. The disruption to wildlife could also have a negative impact on local ecosystems. Finally, the pollution and decrease in air quality due to the increase in flights will be detrimental to the health and enjoyment of North Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire residents. Air pollution is a major public health issue, and increasing the number of flights will only exacerbate this problem. In light of these concerns, I urge you to reconsider this proposal and find alternative solutions that prioritize the well-being of our community and the environment.