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Representation by London Luton Hotel BPRA Property Fund LLP (London Luton Hotel BPRA Property Fund LLP)

Date submitted
15 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

We write on behalf of our clients, London Luton Hotel BPRA Property Fund LLP, the owners of the Holiday Inn Hotel located on Airport Way, Luton to register them as an Interested Party to the London Luton Airport Expansion Development Consent Order (DCO) application. The Holiday Inn Hotel is located on Airport Way and its demise is excluded from the red line boundary of the DCO. It is located directly to the north east of the proposed Airport Access Road (AAR) included in the DCO application. Prior to the submission of the DCO application, the Airport previously sought planning permission from Luton Borough Council which included full permission for provision of new road in the same location (in so far as it relates to the Holiday Inn) as the now proposed Airport Access Road (Local Planning Authority Reference Number 17/02300/EIA. Our clients engaged with consultations on the application for planning permission, highlighting that the road would stand less than 10 metres from the windows which serve hotel bedrooms, and that there would therefore be significant concerns regarding the adverse impact this would have on the amenity of the hotel. Most specifically the: ? Increased noise and disturbance from vehicles in very close proximity to bedrooms ? Fumes and odours released from vehicles impacting the air quality within the bedrooms ? The unsightly nature of a raised roadway directly in front of the windows impacting the quality of the bedrooms The application was granted planning permission on the 29th June 2021 subject to conditions. This included Condition 23 which was specifically provided to protect the amenity of the Holiday Inn. It stated that: “No development shall commence until details of the acoustic screen associated with the proposed New Century Park Access Road to the west of the Holiday Inn hotel (illustrated on drawing D-Q30131-H-0101) have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Such details shall include acoustic reduction properties, height, materials and colour. The scheme shall be implemented in accordance with the approved plans and thereafter permanently retained and maintained” It is trusted the assessment of the DCO will similarly take into account the amenity of the hotel. Further to this, it is respectfully requested that the London Luton Hotel BPRA Property Fund LLP is confirmed as an ‘Interested Party’ in the DCO allowing and preserving their opportunity to make further comments on the application as relevant and appropriate.