Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by Anne Adams

Date submitted
16 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I do not support the planned expansion of Luton Airport. My house is directly under the flight path for the approach for landing at the airport, and when planes are taking off in this direction the flight path is also almost over our house. Thus we are impacted by noise from each aircraft that lands or takes off from the airport. There is a huge variation in the noise of each plane due to the type and size of engine. However, the majority are larger and mean that when in the garden conversation has to pause until the noise has subsided to allow conversation to resume. Indoors with double glazing, the noise is reduced but still, with larger planes, drowns the sound of TV and means raising the voice to be heard in conversation. I knew this when I moved here and to an extent accept some of the disturbance. There are periods of the day when there are less flights and thus quieter periods - especially at night. There are occasional very noisy night arrivals which can wake me from sleep. However, I feel the doubling of the capacity of the airport will mean almost constant excessive noise and interruptions of conversation and sleep. This is not helpful for health and wellbeing. There would be no "quiet" periods. In hot weather the doors and windows are open - thus the sound reducing impact of double glazing is removed. I also have concerns regarding the increase in pollution (there is often a smell of fuel and fumes if the wind is in a certain direction) both for my own health but also that of my visiting grandchildren. There is of course a whole principled concern around expansion and increase of carbon footprint for our town and nation.