Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by Philip Anthony Smith

Date submitted
16 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

• There would be bound to be an increase in carbon emissions. At this time of climate crisis we should be seeking to reduce emissions and nothing which could lead to an increase should be considered. • Noise from overflying aircraft would increase. In recent years RNAV technology has allowed departing aircraft to fly along a narrow band some three quarters of the time, causing a significant effect on the quality of life for those areas directly overflown. Much of the proposed increase in passenger numbers is likely to be provided by increased flights late at night and early morning. Night noise is known to be the most annoying and damaging to health. • Luton Borough Council, the sole owner of the airport, has actively encouraged and rewarded expansion with little regard for local communities, and continues to do so with this proposal. They allowed the Airport to break planning conditions on noise three years in a row and have recently voted to waive these protective noise conditions. The airport has expanded rapidly in recent years, following an incentive scheme to prioritise growth through discounted charges to the airlines. Plans originally approved in 2013 to grow towards 18 million passengers per year in 2028 have already been achieved, some six years earlier. The Council has already given consent for interim expansion to 19 million passengers.