Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by Priscilla Cullen

Date submitted
17 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The proposed expansion of Luton airport will have a deleterious effect on the lives of those living in the surroundings and also on the environment. The proposal indicates that there will be flying virtually throughout the night. On paper there will be a two hour interval which, even if adhered to without the incidence of late flight, two hours is insufficient for a night's rest. I note that night flying is banned at Heathrow. The ameliorations offered are only to install double/triple glazing. This simply corrals people inside their homes. We will be prevented from enjoying outside space without the constant drone of aircraft. Moreover when we are experiencing increased summer heat, due to climate change, people need to get a breathe of cool air at night with their windows open without being kept awake by aircraft noise. The vast increase in passenger numbers proposed will have a huge negative impact on the transport links. The roads, particularly the M1, are already massively overcrowded and congested and the rail links already make journeys in and out of London uncomfortably congested especially for those whose livelihoods necessitate their travel. Finally the proposed extension of the footprint of the airport will destroy valuable agricultural land further diminishing our food security and also destroying the natural food web of our wildlife, in particular that of insects the fundamental source of food for that web. It must be an incredible thought that a government committed to net zero would approve this proposed expansion of air travel.