Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by Mr David Gardiner

Date submitted
17 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

the main issue for me as a resident of Tring is the noise pollution arising from the flights in and out of Luton Airport. We have already noticed an increase in aircraft noise following the change to the approach flight path which now takes planes above the Icknield Way to Ivinghoe Beacon and then on to Luton. If the airport is expanded further then that will inevitably increase the flight frequency and therefore noise. It must be wrong that when new development at ground level is being actively controlled and prevented due to the Chiltern Beechwoods SAC, but that does not apply in the airspace above the same area. Finally, a more general note. I grew up near Heathrow and was accustomed to high levels of aircraft noise, much higher than I have ever experienced from Luton.. The difference though is that at Heathrow, you knew that the flights would stop circa 22.30 and not start again until circas 06.00. There does not appear to be any similar control on Luton. I am regularly woken up by a plane descending into Luton in the early hours of the morning (around 04.00). The expansion if approved, will inevitably result in additional flights. What controls will be put in place to control the flight times?