Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by Elaine Moore

Date submitted
17 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Expansion of the airport may secure jobs for people but will increase noise pollution for residents living on flight paths Expansion will increase air pollution at a time when UK is already missing global warming targets It will increase asthma in the population and cause harm to those with respiratory problems It will damage the wild life Expansion will increase mental health problems, it will increase traffic pollution in neighbouring arras and impact on A 1M traffic queues There are many other more climate friendly ways to travel What is the benefit of government funding fir cycle wats in Stevenage to reduce the footprint when many more aircraft will be flying over head I live under the flight path now I am woken constantly by night flights , the noise is already UNBEARABLE I cannot have my windows open at night so in the summer the heat is unbearable, my mental well being is affected Government may compensate with double glazing for the lucky few but cannot make up for the damage to lungs, the potential increase in cancers and other illnesses caused by the pollution There is no mention of funding air conditioning units for those who cannot move or compensation for those whose house prices will fall as a result of the proposed expansion Luyon Airport currently blatantly disregards rulings on night flights and is punished by meagre fines if they dont abide now they will continue to dis regard the rules We are told the planes do not put down their landing gear as they come over Stevenage to reduce noise I am happy for any inspector to come and sit in my garden to witness the truth of this This is not s case of not in my back yard I sm saying there should be no expansion I am saying the monetary gain for the airport and Luton Council should not be considered at the expense of the physical and mental well being of wild life and the many who live in surrounding areas