Back to list London Luton Airport Expansion

Representation by N Oliver

Date submitted
17 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I STRONGLY OPPOSE the expansion proposal. Need: There is no need for this expansion. Air travel should be kept to a minimum, rather than encouraging demand by providing additional flights. Noise Impact: I have already noticed a dramatic increase in aircraft noise over the last 12-18 months, with larger, noisier aircraft being used which fly closer to and over our house. It is now increasingly intrusive, particularly whilst working at home or reading. I am already noticing more noisy flights starting early in the morning and going on till late at night, which makes sleeping with the window open difficult. The proposed expansion will make the situation unbearable. The increased number of flights planned per day will inevitably mean a larger number of delayed flights flying after 23:00. It is extremely unlikely that noise levels will be mitigated by quieter aircraft as suggested by the proposals - the actual predicted improvements are minimal and it will take a long time for any newer aircraft to replace the current fleets. Environmental impact: At a time when everyone on the planet is concerned by global warming, an expansion such as this is going in completely the wrong direction and totally ignoring the most important issue the planet faces. The environmental impact of the increased flights is very concerning. Impact on roads: Traffic in the area is already at full capacity - the M1 and surrounding roads often grind to a halt at peak times and the slightest accident brings everything to a standstill. The increased number of journeys in the area will make car travel intolerable - the idea that travellers will use public transport is at best wishful thinking. Impact on lives: The increase in the number of jobs generated by the scheme is pitiful in comparison to the number of lives affected daily and on a permanent basis. The impact of noise on mental health and lower air quality on physical health will be borne by the local population and ultimately the NHS, paid for by the taxpayer, not those that seek to profit from this expansion. Please do not let this expansion go ahead.